“Um, hello? You could have helped?” She looked disbelieving and aggravated at my indolence and lack of action.
“You had it covered, Supernova.”
“Barely,” she huffed.
“Oh, come on baby, you’re small but mighty. I know from first-hand experience.” I winked at her, and the desired result of an eye roll was my reward. I took it in greedily, imagining her eyes rolling back for other unseemly and inappropriate reasons, causing my body to twitch with need.
I forced myself to breathe and swallow back the burning desire that coursed through me.
Time. I was giving her time.
No matter how fucking stupid it seemed.
I was showing her I could be patient. That I could wait and not get bored. That I could be what she needed me to be.
Despite my teasing, I wouldn’t try anything unless she made that first move. That’s all it was. Teasing. Because I loved to watch her squirm and get all flushed.
But the ball was in her court now.
When she took in what she had accomplished all on her own, she smiled to herself. A beautiful, proud smile that made my fucking heart melt. This. This was why I believed in her. This was why I trained her. So I could see that illuminating smile. So I could watch her start to believe in herself. And after that first rogue attack—where she was brilliant and quick, even when she thought she wasn’t—she needed this. This moment to boost her confidence and show her that she was more than capable.
She was a Stone. She was a Knight.
And if that didn’t make my heart swell.
I didn’t have as long as I hoped to dwell on it. Zander had disappeared through the tree line but his distressing howl signalled that he needed us. Venus’s concerned gaze met mine before I grabbed her hand and we both sprinted off in the direction that the sound had come from.
The large Beta was not alone.
He and another wolf were circling each other, readying to pounce. The other was grey and scruffy with blazing red eyes that seemed to desire bloodshed.
And if the red sticky-looking substance matting the Beta’s fur was any indication, I’d say the rogue had partially succeeded.
The dagger I’d given our wolf friend was discarded to the side, the blood coating it proof that he had used it on the rogue before it was dropped in the tussle.
Further evidence of Zander’s efforts was visible in the enemy's grey coat in the form of bleeding wounds.
Its wicked eyes darted to Venus and I. Enough of a distraction that Zander launched himself at the intruder, causing them to tumble together.
Unfortunately, the distraction of our presence wasn’t enough to take the rabid beast fully by surprise. Zander got some bites in, but the other creature snapped its maw like an animal possessed. I gave him a minute to regain the upper hand, palming my dagger in preparation to throw.
Hearing the snapping of twigs in the distance, I swung my head in that direction just in time to see another wolf bound through the trees.
They had sent three again.
I didn’t hesitate this time, flinging my dagger at it.
The whimper that came out of the creature caused my lips to kick up. But the blade only lodged itself into the beast’s shoulder blade. Not enough to stop it, just enough to buy us time.
I readied my sword, but Venus screamed, “Help Zander!”
Groaning, I turned in time to see the Beta had been flung off the first rogue, thrown a few feet away. Venus was not close enough, but I was. I watched for a split second while she considered the rogue I had just injured.
It wasn’t paying attention to her, its sights set on me as it began prowling, snarls sounding from its drooling mouth. She unsheathed her sais, spinning them in her hand before pelting one into the wolf’s other shoulder blade.
She had this covered. That’s my girl.
In the seconds it took for that to unfold, the rogue stalking Zander had decided it was time to finish him. I saw the look in its unhinged gaze as it began to gallop towards him, jaw open and ready to chomp down on the Beta’s unprotected neck.