Kharag held me close to his body to minimize the jostling, and we rode through the dark forest. “He’ll follow, right?”

“He won’t be far behind, lass. Don’t worry for your second mate. He’s a capable warrior. And he has Nuar for protection.”

A second mate. How had I come to this? I clung to Kharag, holding myself as still as I could so I wouldn’t rub against that thick finger between my legs, trying not to worry about Jarrus, goblins, or anything else.

Chapter 14


The ride was hard, made more pleasant by holding my mate in my arms, stroking her between her thighs, teasing her to several climaxes along the way to distract her from the peril of our situation. The scent of her arousal and the subsequent climaxes she achieved during the ride were torture. The sound of her moans only spurred me on, even though I knew I should stop. Her strong, fertile scent would attract the goblins who may otherwise not have had as strong a nose for tracking, but other races would find us. Not to mention the torment it served me with as her scent that hung thick in the air, and the sounds of her passion. My cock was an iron bar in my trews by the time we stopped for a break and, if I took off her garments, I’d be buried inside her to the hilt for the rest of day and evening. Not even a horde of goblins could stop me.

Unfortunately, that horde was close behind us, as Jarrus confirmed when he joined us for our break. His grim expression told me all I needed to know. But his words, told in a quiet aside, chilled my blood. Azad’s horde had swelled to larger numbers than I anticipated and converged on our path, not more than a few hours behind us. We wouldn’t make it to the herd before they caught up to us.

“What are our options?” I asked quietly while Olivia splashed water on her face in the stream.

He glanced worriedly behind him. “We make a stand, take the time to build defenses. Or one of us stays behind to hold them off and the other races for the herd.”

Neither option was a good one. I needed Jarrus for the herd to accept us and fight for us. While the minotaurs might offer refuge, they would be loath to fight a horde of goblins for us, especially if they found out I left a minotaur behind to die. And goblins were known to hack off pieces of their enemy and parade them around, so the herd would find out. Not a good option. Not to mention, I didn’t want my friend to die.

If we both stayed, the chances of us being overrun were high. We were excellent warriors, but a horde this size could easily flank us and swarm us, a proven goblin strategy. The little fuckers. That would leave Olivia at their mercy. And with their blood lust high, she wouldn’t survive for long after their attentions.

I shook my head. “No, we stay together and make for the herd as fast as we can. It’s our best option.”

We both turned and studied our mate, splashing cool water on her face. “Though there is another option. One that might get Azad off our back.”

Jarrus raised a bushy eyebrow. “You want to mate her? Now? Is she ready?”

“If she’s mated, Azad has to back off. She will be off-limits to him.”

Jarrus frowned. “Do you think he will follow the rules, especially now that he’s spent so much time and his horde to come after her?”

It was unusual for Azad to be this determined to come after one female, but once she was mated, it would be painful for her to mate another, even if her mates were killed. This was why most males backed off, unless the female chose them. “It’s our best shot to get him to turn back. I think she’s ready.”

He grinned. “She certainly scents like she needs relief.”

We both turned and looked at her. She paused at stared at us, uncertainty in her gaze. Jarrus was right. But I didn’t trust myself near her. Not after the hours of torment I suffered, listening to her whimpers, her breathy moans, and her soft climaxes. I needed some control before I could mate her.

I grabbed my ax. “You begin while I try to slow down the goblins. I’ll be back shortly.” I paused and hefted my axe. “Just don’t complete it without me.”

I stalked away, determined to set up as many traps and ambushes as I could to slow down the goblins, then get back to mate and claim her.

Chapter 15


Kharag had a point about claiming our mate, but I wasn’t convinced it would stop Azad. Goblins tended to be cowardly except in large numbers. They may have tried an ambush or sneak attack to steal a mate, but rarely pursued one to this extent. Something more was going on. I suspected that Kharag also had the same fears, but hoped a mate claim would counter whatever dastardly deed Azad was planning. Since we would not make the herd before being overrun, the mate claim was our best option to save Olivia and ourselves.

And I got to prepare her for the claiming. I couldn’t have her first. I was too big. She needed more preparation. More time, which we didn’t have. But Kharag could get her ready for me.

“Where is Kharag going? Is he leaving us?” Olivia stood up and walked over, her tone anxious and worried.

“He’ll be back shortly. He was always known for his traps and ambushes in our troop. He’s going to spring some surprises on the goblins. Then he’ll return.”

She eyed the trail doubtfully and sat on the log. I knelt next to her, asking her what I wanted to ask since that morning, but had not had the chance. “Do you not want to be alone with me? Are you afraid?”

She cocked her head at me. “Of course not. You wouldn’t hurt me, would you? You’re one of my mates, aren’t you?”

The band around my chest loosened. “You accept me then?”