He waved me off. “No more needs to be said. What about the goblins? We have to keep her safe before we can complete the mating.”

I sobered. “Little fuckers. Nuar and I took care of the scouting party. Azad had seeded his horde all around the town to track all prizes, though I heard a rumor he was after the fire-haired one. Though how he knew she was there, when she had only just arrived, is a mystery.”

“Olivia.” Kharag said. “Her name is Olivia.”

I nodded. “He didn’t know the direction you took, but when the scouting party doesn’t return with word, he’ll follow swiftly and with great numbers. We need to move quickly and get to safety. The minotaur herd can shelter us.”

Kharag frowned. “I don’t want to bring danger to their doorstep.”

I drew myself up and hefted my axe. “You are both minotaur mates now. You are part of the herd, as I hope I am part of your clan. We are linked now.”

Kharag studied me for a long moment, then gave a sharp nod. “This will take getting used to. But yes, we are now tied by more than alliances.” He grimaced. “I can’t wait for the elders to hear about this.”

Chapter 13


I slowly came to wakefulness when I was lifted onto the back of that damned horse by Jarrus, a minotaur. A fact that still bemused me. I mean, minotaurs, orcs, goblins. All creatures from fantasy books and movies actually existed here. I was okay with the orc and minotaur, at least the two that I was with, because they smelled good, even if they initially scared the shit out of me. And they certainly knew how to fuck the brains out of me, even if we hadn’t quite gotten to the fucking part. The orgasms they gave me were extraordinary. How the hell would I go back to a normal human male after this?

I still wanted to go home, though the reason eluded me. I mean, life without my cell phone, computer, car, microwave seemed unlivable. Beyond that, I had my family and friends. Granted, I hadn’t seen my mom in a while, three or four years. We weren’t close but she was still my mom. I had no siblings and most of my friends hated my ex and had drifted away. My job wasn’t anything remarkable, but it was mine and I was up for a promotion, though I could kiss that away after being gone for who knows how long, depending on how time worked in this funky space. Chances are, I was fired for not showing up.

Okay, so I was slowly talking myself out of trying to go back home. I mean, what was I going back to? Though I had to ask myself, what did I have here to stay for? Two insanely hot guys who could fuck brilliantly. But what would my life be like? Hunted like a prize broodmare. Living in a pre-industrial age without the comforts I know I would miss. I was not a roughing-it kind of girl. I needed indoor plumbing. And just because these males knew how to give an orgasm didn’t mean that would last. Brian could fuck at the beginning of the relationship too, and look where that ended.

I couldn’t see myself living here forever, though I didn’t regret it. Being here was the best thing for me. It helped me realize I could change my life. Kick Brian to the curb and find someone who truly cared about me and could be decent in the sack. Find genuine friends who supported me, no matter what. Kind of like that Daria chick, who could have sabotaged me but helped me, anyway. I wish she was going to live closer. She would have been fun to get to know, I think. If I went home, I could get a new job. I probably had to, since I figured I was fired for not showing up for this long. I had skills. I could do more than customer service calls. I could find a way to kick ass and do more with my life.

Of course, I had to get back there, and that was a sticking point. Right now, however, my muscles felt like loose honey and my bones were soft jelly. I sagged against Kharag, inhaling his scent and feeling the stirring of arousal deep inside, though how I could ever consider more sex after that intense session was beyond me.

I shifted and settled on the horse, and felt an ache between my thighs. Damn, if I was this sore without sex, what would it be like once we actually fucked? I saw what they were both packing, and it was considerable. I liked a big guy. What girl didn’t. But he had to know how to use it, too. These males knew what they were doing, but could I handle them?

Kharag chuckled as he pressed his hand against my lower belly, slipping under my shirt and the waistband of the loose pants to cup me intimately. His finger lightly stroked the sensitive spot at the top of my slit, lighting up nerve endings deep inside that heated up the arousal that was on a slow burn in me. “The ride might be a little uncomfortable for you, lass. But it will be worth it.”

He rocked me against the leather saddle, his finger moving against me, and I groaned. There was no way I’d make it any distance without some kind of relief, not if he kept up his movements. Jarrus stood next to the giant horse, his hand resting high on my thigh, his head at my stomach level, his expression solemn.

“We need to ride hard to reach the safety of the herd. They’re a solid two days’ ride from here and the goblins will be on our tail soon, if not already. I can run ahead, but that leaves you vulnerable.”

Kharag grimaced and shook his head. “We stick together. We’re stronger together. We face the enemy together.”

Jarrus eyed him. “She cannot fall into their hands.”

I straightened, glaring at both males. “She has a name and she can defend herself.”

I might not be a warrior like these males, but I was a single woman who needed to defend herself when walking to her car when she worked the late shift. My office wasn’t in the best part of town and the rent-a-cops they hired couldn’t get out of their own way. I had stopped a mugger, or who I assumed was a mugger, with a swift kick to the balls and a heel to the nose. I could handle myself. Though, goblins might be another story.

Both males looked at me, slightly amused and maybe a bit horrified. “It’s our job to protect you, lass. What kind of mates would we be if we cannot protect you?”

I didn’t really have an answer to that one. But it bothered me to be the delicate female, helpless, waiting for someone else to save me. Jarrus studied me for a long moment then pulled a long dagger from his belt, that was a short sword for me.

“Can you use this?”

“The pointy end goes in the bad guys, right?” I couldn’t help the snark. It was my second language.

Kharag grumbled something that sounded a little like, “She’s asking for punishment.”

Jarrus only grunted. “When we stop for the night, we’ll show you how to use it for more than aimless stabbing. For now, strap this around your waist. Try not to hurt Kharag.”

He handed me a belt with a sheath on it, buckling it efficiently around my waist. It wrapped twice since it was meant for a much larger body, but I was grateful for the protection, small though it may be.

“I’ll trail behind and try to muddy our path. I’ll meet you when you break. Ride hard.” He slapped the horse on the hind end and the horse took off with a lurch.