She smiled. “A day spent completely in bed sounds like heaven.”

“Mhmm, especially if I get to eat you for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.”

She giggled, her face going completely red. “Oh dear, that would ummm, uhhh…”

“You don’t have to be shy about it,” I said with a laugh. “But you are especially beautiful when you’re blushing for me like that.”

Her color deepened and I sat down next to her, pulling her into my lap and leaving a trail of kisses all down her neck.

“Mmmm, so tasty,” I said, and she laughed again.

“Stop it! We need to eat.”

“Whoever invented meals was a spoilsport. I just want to be able to enjoy you all day and all night.”

“Lucas!” She batted at me gently and I sat back with an exaggerated pout on my face. “Stop doing that! We need to eat!”

"All right, all right,” I said. “I guess you are right. “But I will be enjoying you tonight, you can count on that.”



After going out to grab food for the party and getting mostly set up, I decided that it was time for me to relax. What I really needed was a good and hot bath to take the stress out of my shoulders and give me some time to just drift in thought.

So I put some music on my phone, ran a hot bath in the adjoining master bathroom, and then settled in to soak.

It was so nice, especially with the music which allowed me to focus on something that weren’t my own thoughts for a while.

They were a lot calmer now, despite everything that had happened to me within the past forty-eight hours. I could definitely attribute that to Lucas, as all of his encouragement and comfort had been a great help. I was so thankful to have him in my life. And, more than that, to call him my friend. My boyfriend.

These thoughts made me feel warm inside as I sank deeper into the bath, feeling my muscles relax and my worries float away. I had a feeling that tonight was going to be a great night. I just knew it.

Just then, there was a knock on the door.

“Who is it?” I called, though I was fairly certain it was Lucas. I just wanted to make sure that some stranger didn’t walk in on me, naked, in the bath.

“It’s me,” Lucas said. “Can I come in?”

“Yes, though you have been warned, I am in the bath.”

“All the more reason to enter,” he said, swinging open the door and coming inside. He wore a smile on his face as he surveyed me.

“You just get sexier every day. I don’t know what I’m going to do with you,” he said, and I felt warm with color.

“Well, you could join me,” I suggested slyly, though I didn’t expect what he did next.

With a shrug, he began to take off his clothes. I felt myself turn red and I looked away, which only earned me a laugh from Lucas.

“You don’t have to be shy around me,” he said. “After all, you’ve already seen me naked before. And I’ve seen you like this before.”

“Yeah, but not in this context,” I countered.

“Who said it was a different context?” He slid into the bath across from me (it was really quite a spacious tub) and I chanced a peek.

He was smiling at me, and his hand had drifted down to stroke his erect cock. I shivered, pressure gathering inside of my stomach as I remembered it pounding into me. I wanted it again now. I wanted him inside of me, filling me with himself, making me remember that I was his.

It was so strange, even now, to think of him in that way. For so long I had thought of him as just my best friend, always out of reach. But now?