She let out a little laugh, which made my heart jump with happiness. “A party? And how do you propose that a party is going to help?”

“Easy. I have quite a few good friends from college. I know that there are at least a few of them that would love to be friends with you and would also be a good support network. I’ll organize a little get-together party, invite them, and then you can socialize and find some people who work well as friends for you. How does that sound?”

She smiled. “It sounds a bit like a far-fetched dream. Do you think it will really work? I mean, you know I’m not very good at making friends.”

“Which is why it’s good these people are already all my friends. I know they’re friendly and I can vouch for them. On top of that, I can let them know that you’re looking to make some new friends. I know they’ll want to get to know you.”

“Okay, you’ve convinced me,” she said, and I was happy to see that there was no longer that glisten in her eyes that made me think she was about to cry at any second. “I’ll try this little party thing of yours and see how it goes.”

“Excellent.” I cracked my knuckles and grabbed my phone. “We’ll do it tomorrow. I’ll take the day off work and the two of us can go shopping and do all the set-up work during the day. It should be enough of a warning for a good number of my friends to be able to make it.”

She laughed. “You think? Isn’t it a little last minute?”

I shrugged. “I may be put together, but there are plenty of my friends who aren’t. Last minute is kind of just how we end up doing plans.”

“I guess it should be all right then. How much are we setting up?”

“Oh, not much at all. I was just thinking we could make sure there are food and drinks for people and maybe a few board games out. You know, something of that nature.”

“Okay.” I could tell from her expression that she was still mulling the idea over in her head, deciding if this was really going to work for her.

“And, if you don’t feel comfortable, we don’t even have to throw a party. We can definitely cancel it. I could even just arrange for you to meet a few of my friends for dinner or something like that.”

She shook her head. “No, a party sounds great, let’s do that.”

"All right, a party it is then. I’ll start inviting people,” I said, settling back into the couch and getting out my phone to start texting people the invites for tomorrow.

* * *

The next morning, Bernadette and I slept in rather late. We had earned it though, what with all that she had been going through lately and all the hard work that the two of us had been doing.

I still woke up before her though, and so I decided that it might be a nice treat for her if I cooked her some breakfast in bed.

I slipped out of bed, placing a gentle kiss on her forehead, put on a robe over my pajamas to keep away the chill, and padded downstairs to the kitchen.

Waffles were her absolute favorite breakfast food. Since it was fall, we still had quite a good selection of fruit, so I decided that some waffles with sliced fruit and maybe maple syrup or powdered sugar were in order.

Of course, it helped that I quite enjoyed the sound of that too.

Humming to myself in the kitchen, I went about making us two waffles each, then cut up some strawberries and washed some raspberries. I assembled everything with a side of hot tea, put it all on a tray, and then headed back upstairs to the bedroom.

By this time, Bernadette was stirring, and as I set the tray down, she opened her eyes slightly.

“What time is it?” she asked, her voice groggy from sleep.

“It’s almost noon,” I replied, smoothing back her hair and kissing her forehead.

“Noon?!” She shot up in the bed, then winced. “I hadn’t realized it was so late.”

I laughed. “Relax, there’s nothing for you to worry about. We don’t have to do anything today but go out to grab some food for the party, and that can definitely wait till after breakfast, or I suppose it’s more like lunch now.”

She noticed the tray I had set down and gasped. “You didn’t.”

“Well, it’s right there, so clearly I did.”

“I mean, you really didn’t have to, but I really appreciate this.”

“Of course. It makes me happy to see you happy. Besides, I was also getting pretty hungry and knew no matter how tempting it was I couldn’t stay in bed with you all day.”