Page 37 of The Third Son

Her gaze flicked from one brother to the other. Crickets.

“See, my teacher suggested a blog. Only catch is, in addition to photography she wants me to utilize videography, and that’s not my strong suit. At all.” Pursing her lips to the side, she sighed. “And blog about what? It has to be something creative, instructional or informative, and visually appealing.”

“So, cake?” Kellan’s brow lifted.

“Not necessarily just that, but yeah, food came to mind.”

“That means she’ll be cooking and we get to sample.” Tanner reached behind her and nudged his brother. “I like it.”

“I’d like Edging 101 even better…naked dancing.” Squeezing her knee, he winked.

Glaring up at him, her nostrils flared. “Were you spying on me?”

“She said we’re pornstars, bro.” Confirming he indeed had been, Kellan smirked, flexing his muscles. “And the girl has no fucking clue. Yet.”

Did he actually think she intended to find out? Beads of sweat erupting on her skin, heat flashed through her body. Sure, when Arien was alone in her room, she thought about it sometimes. And how could she not? She’d get all tingly, but she wasn’t sure why.

Once, curiosity got the better of her and she googled threesomes. Holy dirty, twisted shit. That was a real eye-opener. All that fingering, fucking, and sucking. Double penetration, for chrissakes. Her jaw dropped watching that one, but what did she know? The chick in the video seemed to like it.

She wasn’t an idiot. Arien knew both Kellan and Tanner wanted her, and fucked up as it was, they were a package deal. She couldn’t deny she had feelings she shouldn’t be feeling for her stepbrothers, and it had nothing to do with the fact they were related by marriage. Two months ago they were strangers. If anything, she liked that element of the forbidden when Tanner called her ‘little sister’.

The thing was, Arien still thought this trinity thing and their stupid rules were fucking nuts. But yet, if she were being honest with herself, immersed in their strange-to-her culture as she was, it seemed less so every day.


“Call me that again.” Kellan wound her hair around his fist, pulling her head back. “Gets me hard.”

“Asshole,” she teased with a wicked giggle.

Tanner pushed on his brother’s shoulder. “Cut the shit, you two.”

Kellan combed his fingers through her hair. “Chill, we’re just playin’.”

“Well I wanna know what our pretty girl here’s gonna be makin’ us.” He put his feet up, laying his head on her lap. “I’m hungry.”

Tanner tugged on the ends of her hair. Running his fingers through the strands that hung over her breasts, he brushed her nipples. Was it on accident or by design? Not that it made a difference, because fuck if it didn’t feel good.

Arien bit her lip. She might have even whimpered a little. Because he kept on doing it, over and over again.

Definitely on purpose.

Lifting the hair he’d been combing down her back, Kellan kissed her nape.

Tanner stopped, inhaled deep, and kissed the skin on her belly.

“Please…” Her fingers sank into his flesh.

He groaned, pulling on the ends hard. Then gently, purposefully, resumed his stroking, sweeping over her nipples with every pass. From the other side, Kellan hooked his arms through hers, gripping her shoulders. His teeth sank into her skin, and by pulling her back, he pushed out her chest, giving Tanner easier access and himself a better view.

Arien could see her nipples protruding against the fabric. So could he. And right then, she didn’t fucking care.

“You’ll see what an asshole I am,” Kellan breathed in her ear, tugging on the tender lobe with his teeth. “Soon.”

Arien stood at the granite island, whipping frothy egg whites until they formed soft peaks. Gently, she folded in the honey, vanilla, and coconut flakes, before pouring the macaroon batter into a springform pan and popping it in the oven.

“That looks good, honey.” Grams gave her a squeeze. “It’s gonna turn out nice.”

“I don’t know what I was thinking, but the inspiration struck me like lightning and I just had to make this. Do you have any idea how hard it is to find fresh peaches around here in January?”