Page 36 of The Third Son

She wasn’t shivering anymore. Tucking the flask in his pocket, Kellan let his head fall upon her shoulder. Snuggling closer, Tanner did the same. “Warm enough?”


His hand slipped beneath all the layers, under her reindeer pajama top, to find his brother stroking her warm, velvet skin. Tanner laid his palm on her stomach. Arien dreamily sighed.

“How many more days ’til your birthday, little sister?”


Nibbling on the lobe of her ear, Tanner whispered, “Baby, I don’t think I can wait.”

Arien kicked back on the sofa with her iPad, perusing YouTube for some kind of inspiration. Blueberry scones? Nope. Too ordinary. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. Enough with that shit. Who the fuck cares?

“Meeting a pornstar?” Rubbing Sunday’s head, she giggled. “Chrissakes, we live with two of ’em, don’t we?” Well, they think they are anyway, strutting around half naked, showing off their muscles all the damn time.

Actually, in Kellan’s case, it was his birthday suit and showing off way more than that. She chewed on her lip, distracted by the image in her head.

School project, Arien. Focus.

Flipping onto her stomach, she returned to her scrolling. “Redemption from death row? Edging 101? Okay, YouTube. You’re not helping me here.”




“Ten things you should be buying at Aldi right now. Pass. We ain’t got one.” God, they were rubbing off on her. She was even starting to sound like them.

Swiss roll cake. “Maybe.” Arien clicked on it.

Replaying it several times, she studied the video. Its aesthetic, the camera angles, how the vlogger spoke, and the presentation of the recipe. Arien’s teacher wanted her to push herself out of her comfort zone. Still photography she was good at, but video? Not so much.

She was watching Mr. Preppy Chef roll his fluffy chocolate sponge cake with homemade whipped cream for about the tenth time, when she felt a hand rubbing her ass. The zing in her jeans unmistakable, his fingertips slowly trailed down the center seam. Fucker was teasing her. Too close, and not nearly close enough, she clamped her thighs together.

“Knock it off, Kellan.”

His chuckle husky, he sat on the arm of the sofa. “Whatcha doin’?”

“Watching a video.”

“I can see that.” Arien didn’t have to look at him to know he was rolling his eyes. “Of what?”


And he full on laughed. “Why?”

“Because I have this compulsion to create a decadent chocolate ganache.” And lick it off your skin. Sitting up, she smacked his thigh. “Don’t look at me like that.”

“Like what?”

“Perplexed,” she answered, wrinkling her nose at him. “I’m not really into chocolate. It’s for school.”

“You’re watchin’ some dude bake a cake.” Letting his ass slide off the arm of the sofa, Kellan landed beside her. “For school? And yeah, you perplex me all right.”

“Hey, pretty girl.” Tanner came in and sat on the other side of her.

Acknowledging his presence, Arien began stroking his cheek and attempted to explain the assignment. “I’m just getting ideas for a visual arts project I have to do. Looking for a little inspiration, you know?”