Page 113 of Maelstrom

Cameron brushed his fingers through her hair. “Look, you’re reacting, and I don’t think you should be making any big decisions right now—like quitting school.”

She scoffed. “I hadn’t even picked a major.”

Cameron chuckled and squeezed her shoulders. “You’ve got time.”

“Not anymore.” It was starting to get dark. She could see the lights turn on in the buildings downtown. “It’s getting late. I should go.”


“I can’t.”

“Yes, you can,” he insisted, tilting his head with a smirk. “Got anywhere else you need to go?”

She didn’t, but Katie wasn’t sure if staying here with Cameron was such a good idea. Then again, it was better than going to the loft and facing Kelly. She would know something was wrong right away, and she sure as hell wasn’t ready for that.

“No, but…”

“Then you’re staying. We can order some take-out and watch a movie. Or talk some more. Whatever you want, but you’re staying.”

Apparently, he wasn’t going to take no for an answer. “Okay.”

Cameron smiled, his dimples showing. “Pizza?”

Katie wrinkled her nose. The thought of pizza didn’t agree with her. She was hungry, though. She hadn’t eaten since yesterday, and that ended up in the snow. “Um, can we get Thai?”

“Sure, babe.” He ruffled her hair. “I told you, whatever you want.”

She ate half of her chicken pad thai and made it through the first thirty minutes of Guardians of the Galaxy before she fell asleep. Katie wasn’t sure how long she slept or what exactly woke her, but when she blinked her eyelids open the TV was still on. Cameron was the big spoon behind her, lightly stroking her arm.

“I got into Harvard.” He kissed her hair. “I want you to come with me.”


She turned over, stunned. “Cam…”

“Shh.” He held his finger to her lips. “Just listen.”


He caressed her cheek and combed his fingers through her hair. “I love you, Katie. Never stopped. And I’ll love this baby too. We can get married, and after I graduate in May we’ll go right to Boston and get a place. We can be settled before the baby comes and law school starts.”

Her eyes searched his. He was serious. That was the last thing she expected him to say. Katie was so stunned she couldn’t speak.

“You don’t have to give me an answer right this minute. I know it’s a lot to think about. But for me it’s always been you, Katie. I don’t mind being second-best right now, because I know that eventually you’ll love me too.”


Tears welled in her eyes. She bit her lip. Didn’t he know she never saw him as anything less than perfect?

Her fingers reached for his face, tracing his cheekbones. “Oh, Cameron. I do love you. You’re wonderful and perfect.” She pushed the hair off his face that constantly fell into his eyes. “You were never, ever second-best. It’s just that I didn’t meet you first. I tried to fight it, but it was too late. My heart was already taken. I just didn’t realize it at the time.”

If she had met him first they wouldn’t be having this conversation. Her life would have taken a different course. Cameron could have been the one to give her butterflies instead. She rubbed her tummy. But then her little bean wouldn’t be here.

Cameron cupped her cheeks in his hands, and lowering his lips to hers, he softly kissed her. “Sleep, baby. We’ll talk some more in the morning.”

It didn’t take long before Cameron’s even breathing signaled he was asleep. She couldn’t possibly think about agreeing to what he asked, could she? Katie felt for Brendan’s bracelet on her wrist. It gave her comfort to feel it there.

Her sweet, wonderful Cameron. He wanted to do right by her and it wasn’t even his baby. He was right too. Katie knew he loved her. He’d always shown it. And he was selfless enough that he’d love this baby just the same as he would’ve if he’d been the one to make it. They could have a happy life. But she didn’t want him that way.