Page 114 of Maelstrom

Brendan didn’t even know he was going to be a father. If he did, Katie knew he’d want to do right by her and his child. She knew way down deep in her soul, felt it in her bones, that he loved her. He was selfless enough to let her go so she could live a happy life. As soon as he found out about the baby, he’d want her back. She didn’t want him that way either.

Katie didn’t want to be an obligation to anyone. Even someone who loved her. And maybe that’s why she found it so difficult to tell Brendan in the first place.

Cameron slept peacefully beside her, his arm protectively around her waist. He was a good man. So fucking good. She eased out of his embrace at the first sign of light and softly kissed his face.

I love you, Cameron.

Then she quietly slipped out the door.

Kelly was already downstairs in the shop when she got to the loft. Katie took a quick shower and packed a bag. Then she called for an Uber to take her to the station. She descended the stairs to the alley. Leo was tossing trash into the dumpster.

Leo saw her, bag in hand. “Wasn’t you gonna say goodbye, girl?”


“I’m guessing this has something to do with that gorgeous man of yours.” He wrapped her in his arms and hugged her tight. “Listen to Leo. Everything’s going to be all right. Time has a way of fixing things, you know. I love you, girl.”

The Uber pulled up.

“I love you too, Leo.”

Katie boarded the train that would take her back to Nowheresville. She watched the city skyline through a veil of tears as it got smaller and smaller, then it disappeared, and she couldn’t see it at all anymore.

Her heart was still there.

‘Love is a severe mental illness curable only with time.’

Sad part was, she didn’t want a cure.

“Are you sure, Bren?”

Kyan pushed the button on the Nespresso machine. The smell of coffee brewing made him want to punch his fist through the wall. He closed his eyes for a second and saw Katelyn behind the counter at Beanie’s, her little pink tongue peeking out, as she poured steamed milk into espresso to draw a heart in the foam. What was she doing right now? Did she make it to class this morning?

“Phil and Murphy called me last night.” He shrugged. “That’s what they said.”

“When?” Dillon asked.

“Today. Tomorrow. This week.” Brendan worried his lip. “I don’t know. As soon as they get the go-ahead from the prosecutor, I guess. Murphy said he’ll try to let me know when they’re coming.”

“Fucking railroad job is what it is,” Kyan scoffed. “There’s bigger fish than you out there celebrating that they don’t have to make monthly deposits into her bank account anymore. So, the question is, which of them did it? Because it has to be one of them.”


Kyan nodded, blowing on his coffee. “I’m sure of it.”

“Ky’s right, Bren,” Dillon added. “And they had to have looked at her bank account. So you have to wonder why they’re targeting you. Either they’re too lazy to do their jobs, they don’t give a shit, or…”

“Someone wants to make sure Bren takes the blame for it?” Kyan finished his thought. Those two were always doing that.

“Yeah.” Dillon eyed his brother.

“Who?” Brendan glanced to the ceiling, tapping his hand on his thigh as he pondered. “And why?” His gaze moved to his cousin.

Kyan swallowed his coffee. “We would’ve had a better shot at figuring that out if Kodiak had been able to identify where all the money was coming from.”

“Besides the senator?” Dillon asked, reminding him that according to Kodiak, Salena was getting income from multiple sources.

“Yeah,” Kyan affirmed with a nod.