“Yes.” I nod.
“And I have Rosie,” he adds.
“Yep, you have Rosie.”
He looks up at Trevor. “Can I give Rosie some more hay?”
“Sure you can,” Trevor says, his tone full of warmth.
“Yey!” Adam grins and skips across the room.
One eye on Adam, I glance up at the hulk beside me. He grabs my hand and squeezes it. “You’re shaking.”
“Thank you for being honest with him. It… it means a lot to me.”
“I’ve promised myself not to live a lie anymore, but…” I huff. “But for some reason, I didn’t expect to have this conversation with Adam for a few years yet.”
“Now that it’s done, you don’t have to dread it.”
We’re quiet for a while, watching Adam select straws from the mountain of hay. Thankfully, he’s stopped singing.
“It’s a bit scary how quick things have developed between us,” I whisper.
“It’s scary for me too,” Trevor admits. He’s still holding my hand securely in his. “We’ll take it slow, Jamie. But… nothing has ever felt so right.”
Those clear blue eyes sear into mine. I blink rapidly and can’t hold back the words tumbling from my mouth. “I think I love you, Trevor.”
My eyes are not the only ones glassy. “Your son beat you to it.” Trevor’s voice is hoarse past his smirking smile. “I love you too, city boy. Couldn’t stop if I tried.”
“She’s kissing me!” Adam squeals from across the room where Rosie’s long tongue licks his hand.
I laugh and then release a deep sigh of contentment. “Yeah, nothing has ever felt this right.”
Epilogue: Welcome to the Farm of Hope
We did start out slow. I would stay the weekends either with Adam or on my own, but soon those weekends without Adam bled into the Monday and the Tuesday, me working from my laptop. And then those few extra days turned into a week, and before we knew it, the weeks were only broken up by the journey to Belfast to pick up Adam. I was never happier than when I cancelled the lease on my apartment.
And now? God, my stomach is churning nervously.
“Do you think we’re all set?”
I look over my shoulder. Trevor has snuck up on me, as usual.
“I don’t think there’s much more we can do.” I’m hoping he can’t see my nerves.
“What are you waiting for?” Julie laughs behind us. She was straight up after her last exams, sorting out the reception and helped with a hundred other things that were on our to-do list. She has also applied everything she learns from her marketing studies and has got a large following on social media by documenting the progress of our renovations. To all our surprise, it turns out I’m not bad at electrical work, and it’s a strange feeling of pride knowing that I have contributed to the new showers and kitchen – in addition to the new online booking system, of course. The IT consultant in me was cringing over their previous random system.
“We were waiting for you, Julie.” Trevor smiles down at his sister. Their relationship was never bad, but the last year, they’ve learned to be more open with each other, and I think they both have grown because of it. “Well, I’m here now.”