I step out of the ensuite wearing Trevor’s robe. As the sex haze has settled, some of my shyness has returned. The corner of my lover’s mouth twitches as he rakes his eyes down my frame. Then he hands me a pair of boxers.
“Whenever you’re here on your own, I want you naked in bed,” he rumbles.
Heat fills my cheeks. “I’ll happily oblige.”
While I step into the boxers, Trevor opens the door to the hallway, leaving it ajar so we can hear if Adam wakes during the night.
Under the duvet, with the lights off, Trevor pulls me close. I’ve always been the big spoon, but I’m sure I’ll get used to being the little spoon.
“I hope you don’t snore, farmer,” I mumble in his strong embrace, my body heavy and sated.
“If I do, then you can wake me with your lips around my cock. It will make me stop snoring right away.”
I smile into the darkness. “I might just do that.”
Morning Serenade
Maybe with time, I’ll resent how early the cows wake, or maybe I’ll take Trevor up on the offer of staying in bed while he tends to them, but my glasses are so rose tinted, any moment I can spend with the hulk, I’ll grab with both hands. As does Adam.
“Do the cows like song?” he asks and pushes the rolled-up sleeve of his overall up to his elbow.
“Their milk will probably be even sweeter with song,” Trevor replies, all serious.
“Yey!” My son smiles happily, and his shoulders push back as he takes a deep breath.
“What have you done?” I whisper-yell to Trevor as Adam belts out as loud as he can to the cows, missing just as many notes as he hits, with made-up words replacing the lyrics he doesn’t know.
Trevor steps behind a partition to hide how his body is shaking with laughter. I join him as a cow moos – whether it is in appreciation of the song or in protest is anyone’s guess.
“I hope he’s got his singing voice after his mother,” Trevor jokes.
“You’ll find out when I sing you a lullaby tonight.”
His eyes darken and his tone drops. “I think I’ll stick to the music of hearing you scream my name.”
“Yeah?” Heat bursts in my groin, making me bold. I step close and whisper against his lips, “I can’t wait for the day when I’ll scream for you to fuck me… harder.”
Trevor’s eyes turn pitch black. “Jesus, Jamie.” His growl vibrates through his lips and his large hand on my hip anchors me to him. I open up for his tongue. It’s not even seven in the morning and already I long for nighttime.
“Are you kissing?”
I quickly step away from Trevor, ice chilling my boiling blood.
My son is staring up at me in confusion, the John Deer cap perched precariously on his head.
“I-um… Yes?”
I feel the intensity of Trevor’s gaze on me as I look into my son’s big brown eyes. Words are tumbling around my brain, excuses, distractions, lies. I swallow tightly. “Trevor is Dad’s boyfriend.”
Trevor’s shoulders drop yet I still hold my breath, dreading my son’s reaction.
“Oh.” Adam cocks his head, and his pale eyebrows draw together. “Like Mum has a boyfriend?”