Page 33 of Mike

Hell yeah. But I’m not taking your sister.

He concealed his excitement as he answered, “Sure do. Got ’em with you?”

“I’ll get them to you later. I need to stop by and see Shep anyway.”

Good Lord, don’t tell me Shep is on your sister’s radar. Not that she wasn’t attractive. She was just too risqué for a man like his boss. Speaking of Shep, Mike needed to get his ass to the firehouse.

“Sounds good. Am I free to go?”

Chuck smiled as he put on his shades. He stuck his thumbs inside his wide leather belt, drawing Mike’s eyes to the gun at his side. “You’re free to go.” Then Chuck gave him a two-finger salute, a grin that showed his perfect white teeth, and strode to his vehicle.

Mike glanced at his watch. Really late.

When he pulled up to the station, Laredo stood hosing down one of the trucks. Somewhere inside the bay a radio blared out rock and roll music.

“Hey, Laredo.”

“Hey, man. What are you doing here?”

“Covering for Jared.”

Laredo made an exaggerated presentation of displaying his watch.

“I know.” Mike should have left Cassie’s place the second Jared called. Then Chuck had pulled him over. Cap wouldn’t want to hear excuses. “Where’s Shep?”

“Inside. He may not even notice. He’s been locked up in there since he came in an hour ago. Ain’t said nothing to nobody.”

One of the most easygoing men Mike knew, Shep kept everyone else in the department sane. He expected his men to do their job to the best of their ability, so he left them alone unless they screwed up. His leadership skills were spot on and his friendly manner put his employees at ease. The best part, he supported his men and championed anyone backed into a corner. If you didn’t pull your weight though, he could skewer you on the spot.

Mike stepped inside and headed upstairs to the room where he stored his gear. He passed Shep’s office along the way. Hesitating, Mike listened. Normally, he didn’t spy on others, but Shep being secluded behind closed doors bothered him. Hearing nothing, he rapped twice, opened the door and stuck his head inside.

“Hey, Cap.”

Shep reclined on the couch with his arm flung over his head. Slowly, he sat up. “Come on in.”

Unusual to see his boss sacked out on the couch. “Everything okay?”

“Sure. Just clearing some of the cobwebs from my brain.” He stood and stretched. “I wondered if you’d come in today.”

“I’m filling in for Jared. He’s stuck at court.”


Mike studied Shep, wondering if the guy even knew the time. Something was off. Mike figured it best to avoid asking if anything was wrong. If Shep wanted to talk about what was on his mind, let him bring it up. Mike wasn’t about to offer his head on the chopping block if Shep didn’t already have a beef with him being late.

“I got a call this morning before I left my house,” Shep said as he sat down behind his desk.

“Bad news?”

“Why did I have to hear from upstairs about your rescue last night?”

Ah, shit.

Upstairs meant the chief. Since Shep got up at five every morning and arrived at the station before six thirty, the chief must have called at the crack of dawn.

“It was nothing.”

“Not according to the morning papers.” Shep’s expression remained neutral, but Mike knew the man had a real talent for hiding his emotions.