Page 34 of Mike

“The paper?”

“You saved a woman from burning to death.”

“Part of the job.”

Shep pushed the newspaper across the wooden surface. “It says right here, the hero was off duty.”

A flash of heat raced up Mike’s spine. “Look, Cap. I don’t know how they got that. I never said a word to anyone.”

“Obviously, someone did.”

Mike glanced at the front page. A photo of him standing on the SUV. He glanced at the title. A stone of dread settled in his gut.


“I look like a man gone wild.”

Shep removed his finger from the print and leaned forward, bracing his forearms on the corner of his desk. His eyes alight with interest. “Didn’t know you were the publicity type.”

“I’m not and you know it,” Mike growled. He flexed his hands and gripped the back of a chair positioned between him and Shep’s desk.

“Indulge me.” Shep gestured for him to sit in the chair. “And don’t gloss over the details.”

Mike released his grip and stepped around to sit. He related everything as he remembered it, including the fact that Jared had been with him. Intentionally, he never mentioned Cassie. Nobody’s business about his fantastic night of incredible sex.

“Did you get checked out this morning?”

“Not yet.” With Jared calling him to fill in and then with being late, he’d forgotten about going to the doctor.

“Make sure you do.” Again, Shep leveled his gaze on Mike. “I want a report before you go on any more runs.”

Hell. Shep meant now.

“Guess I better get going then.” As Mike put his hands on the arms of the chair, his boss continued.

“Jared said a female took you home.”

Mike noticed the glint in his boss’s eyes. He should have known Jared wouldn’t keep his mouth shut.

“Jared made that arrangement.”

Shep laughed. “He can’t make you do anything you don’t want to.” Then his face clouded over like someone kicked his dog. The same look he’d had when he’d risen from the sofa. Right before he’d masked it. Whatever bothered him, the conversation they’d just had hadn’t had a damn thing to do with it.

“The lady was persuasive.” At least Shep didn’t ask the lady’s name.

“The blonde from the Mexican restaurant?”

Christ. Did everyone know?

“Jared has a big mouth.”

Shep never stuck his nose in anyone business. He placed a high value on friendship. His door was always open and he kept a confidence like bearing a cross. The two of them had shared some personal things and for that reason, he felt safe poking at Mike.

Shep leaned back in his chair, lifted his arms above his head and propped his feet on his scarred desk. “So, tell me about it.”

Why not? Talking about her might oust her from his mind.
