Page 119 of Mike

Just like Jennifer to take charge and act like nothing was out of sorts. Cassie welcomed it. This was better than being at each other’s throats.

“That’s because you were looking forward to blueberry pancakes.”

“Is there any other kind?” Jennifer asked with a roll of her eyes.

The waitress came to their table carrying a pot of fresh coffee. She poured a cup for Jennifer then refilled Cassie’s and took their orders.

“I’m glad you called yesterday. I knew you wouldn’t stay mad long.”

Here we go.

“We both said some pretty heavy things,” Jennifer continued. “I’m sorry, too.”

The air escaped Cassie’s lungs and she stared at her sister in amazement.

“Oh, don’t look at me like that,” Jennifer said with a wave of her hand. “I can shoot my mouth off with the best of them. A lot of what I spew is just me venting. I’ve always done that.”

“You do it with style.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Your words, most of the time, are precise. Like you’re dictating. You don’t sound like me when I vent.”

“You did a fabulous job of it at the hospital.”

“I was pissed.”

“No shit.”

The waitress brought coffee for Jennifer and then took their order. Jennifer lifted her mug and blew across the surface before putting it to her lips. She set the cup down and met Cassie’s eyes. “We’re sisters. That will never change. What you said really hit me.”

At the time, Cassie had meant every word. But Jennifer was right. She couldn’t stay mad. Especially if her sister was being sensible. Which was not like her at all.

“You looked like you could kill me.”

“I was pretty mad.”

“I didn’t mean half of what I said.”

Cassie knew better than to point out Jennifer had said half. Some of the things they’d shouted were true.

“I know.”

“Especially the part about my ex. That was just stupid.”

“I’m glad to hear you didn’t believe that. I had no interest in—”

“You don’t need to say it. All men stare at you. Your chest, anyway.”

Heat crawled up Cassie’s neck, but she managed to keep her mouth shut on that subject.

“Look,” Jennifer said with a shrug, “what’s done is done. “Besides. That’s history. He’s gone, I remarried, end of story.”

The waitress appeared with their food. “Scrambled eggs for you,” she said, placing a plate before Cassie, “and blueberries for you.” The waitress set a plate of pancakes piled with blueberries and whipped cream in front of Jennifer, then pasted a big grin on her face. “You make me want to get an order for myself.”

“Blueberry pancakes and whipped cream are my favorite.”

“They’re my favorite, too. Can I get you ladies anything else?”