Page 120 of Mike

“Thank you. I’m good,” Jennifer said, reaching for the syrup.

“Thank you.” Cassie picked up a piece of bacon and took a bite.

“I could hardly wait to get here and get my pancakes.”

“Kathy’s serves the best.”

“Mmm, she has great breakfast food.” Jennifer tried to chew and talk at the same time. Cassie laughed.

Jennifer froze. “That’s better than the last time I saw you.”


“Nothing. I want to talk about Mom.”

“We both care for her.”

“She’s doing well and getting around really good, now.”

“Yeah, she’s completely recovered from the surgery and happy to be back in her own house. Thank you for taking care of her during her recovery.”

“No thanks necessary. I know you would have brought her to your home if you didn’t work.”

A few minutes of silence ensued while they both devoured their food. Cassie lifted her mug just as Jennifer spoke.

“You think it’s true that a person can wither away pining for their spouse or is it just crap?”

Where did that come from?

“I guess … if you really love your husband or your wife … I’ve known some who couldn’t live without their mate.”

“You mean soul mate?”

Cassie shrugged. “I guess. If you really love—”

“So, you believe in that?”

This wasn’t like Jennifer. Where was this coming from? Cassie wanted to tell her sister about Mike, but Jennifer had something on her mind.

“Yes. I do.”

“Hmm,” Jennifer mumbled and took a big bite of pancakes.

“Do you believe in that kind of love?” her sister asked hesitantly.

Jennifer was quiet for a long while. Cassie chewed her food and waited.

“I thought about what you said. About my current husband and how he would leave me too.”

Uh oh. She’d forgotten that. She prepared herself for the sermon she was about to receive.

“I do care for Eric.” Jennifer lowered her eyes to her plate. “I didn’t realize how much until you said what you did.”

“Jennifer, I’m—”

“It got me to thinking. I don’t want to lose him.”

Oh shit.