Page 78 of Mike

“After the explosion, every man went into action. Looks to me like they did exactly what they were supposed to do,” Shep said.

“Take another look,” Hooley slowed down the feed. “Anything. Anything at all.”

There was too much going on at a rushed speed to catch everything. When the clip stopped, Hooley hit the feed again. And again. By the fourth time—

“Stop. Right there.” Mike pointed. “Back it up.”

Hooley backed up the action.

“There.” Mike stared at the man in a flame-retardant suit.

“What is it?” Shep asked.

“That guy. He was right at the heart of the explosion just a few minutes back. Watch. Back it up.”

Hooley rewound the clip a few frames and froze the image.

“Would you look at that?” Cooper whistled through his teeth.

“If I hadn’t seen it, I wouldn’t believe it. He’s a member of Station Nine.”

Hooley gave Laredo a puzzled look. “Chief says this isn’t one of his guys.”

Mike jerked his head in amazement. Between the film and Hooley’s statement, it was just too much to absorb. Bad enough suspecting a firefighter. But who the hell was this guy if he didn’t belong to Station Nine? He squinted at the image on the screen.

“Got too much gear on to see who he is. The number on his helmet is definitely Station Nine.”

“Every Captain at each of the five stations that were on sight that day has seen this film. Every firefighter has been identified but one. Him.” Hooley pointed to the same man Mike had indicated. “I’ve been calling in every member of each firehouse to see if we can figure out who this guy is. No one has recognized him.”

“At least we know where he got his uniform.” Cooper stepped around Mike’s chair. “Some guy just waltzed into Station Nine and took their gear?”

“It’s only five miles from Station Eight,” Mike muttered out loud. Someone could just as easily have filched a suit from any of the firehouses. Who the hell would do that?

“And why?” Laredo uttered.

“This guy could be anyone,” Hooley explained. “We have no idea of motive. He could have chosen a firehouse randomly or he could have a beef with a certain individual.”

“Maybe we better keep an eye out since we leave our doors open most of the time.” Shep made eye contact with each member of the team.

“This guy is good,” Hooley warned. “He left no trace or clue of his identity. This is our only lead and you guys can see for yourself, it’s not much.”

Not much? It was worthless. Some guy in a fire-suit.

Mike’s gut twisted with unease. It didn’t sit well with him that some nut-job was out there targeting firefighters.

Chapter 18

The color blue is a safe colour - the most universally liked colour of all.

Blue is not impulsive or spontaneous and it doesn't like to be rushed - blue needs to analyze and think things through and work to a plan.

Blue needs to have direction & order- untidiness and unpredictability overwhelms it.

Blue likes familiarity. It doesn't like change and will stubbornly do things its own way, even if there is a better way.

– the colour of truth

Cassie closed the book with a heavy sigh. Not only her favorite color, but the color of Mike’s eyes. Safe? She did feel safe with him. He’d given her more security than anyone she’d ever known. How could that be, when she’d only just met him? Even her confidence had received a boost.