Page 79 of Mike

Doesn’t like to be rushed. That sounded like him. Mike had that easygoing, reserved manner. There were times when she thought he held back. Maybe that was the analyze and think things through part. She did a lot of analyzing, herself. To the point where she scrutinized and dissected every practical thought.

Thinking about Mike was a twenty-four-hour occurrence. She’d brought her students to the library for story time with the librarian and slipped to the corner for a few minutes of quiet time for herself. Even though she taught in an elementary school, the library had one secluded corner with shelves housing books for those over the age of twelve. Walking along the aisle, she’d slowly traced her fingers across the spines as she read their titles. One of particular interest had caught her eye.

Fire’s Blue Blaze. Blue was her favorite color. And her firefighter had the rarest hue of blue irises she’d ever seen. Mike’s eyes fascinated her, along with several other qualities he possessed. Interesting, what she’d just read. It made perfect sense. Blue could calm the mind and soothe the soul. But it could also be perceived as cold, unemotional and unfriendly. Like Mike’s moods. Just when she thought she understood him, when she thought he felt the same as she, he’d pull back. Something bothered him and she was determined to find out what.

Admittedly, their relationship—if you wanted to call it that—was still new. Maybe he needed time. His allure might have hit her like a lightning bolt out of the sky, but guys were different. Maybe it would take longer for him. Although, whenever they’d shared a moment of intimacy, he’d been just as involved as she. The way he sighed when he held her, the times when his touch seemed almost possessive. Little things he did that she noticed expressed his feelings more than he knew.

Romance filled her head with believable dreams. To have a man want her. To have him touch her the way Mike did. To have him tell her she was beautiful, even when she knew she wasn’t, although her body had all the right curves in the proper places. She longed for a man to want her. To see the inner beauty. Could Mike be the one to give her these things?

Damn insecurities. Her sister’s taunts came back.

What did she have to offer a man?

More than her body? More than lust?

When are you going to learn?

“Miss Peters?”

Cassie jumped.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you. I’ve finished with your class.”

“Oh. Uh. I was involved in this book.” She held it out as if that explained her jumpiness. She quickly returned the book to its shelf, gave the librarian a nod and hurried to gather her students.

The children kept her busy until the school fire alarm went off.

“All right, children. Line up and remember, no talking in the halls. This is our fire drill. Philip, will you please turn off the lights and close the door?”

Once in the hall, she led her students out of the building, making sure she counted each one as they exited the double doors. Her class knew the procedure and also knew she tolerated no monkey-business during a fire drill. Just like they’d practiced, her students walked in an orderly fashion across the bus parking lot to the edge and stopped, along with the upper grade classes. Each teacher stood with their students waiting for the ‘code green, all clear’.

Even the fates were against her.

Fire drill.


His job was a dangerous one. Putting his life on the line for those in need. She gave a slight shudder. Praying for his safety had become another daily ritual.

The principal’s voice on the intercom announced the code green. “Philip, you may lead us back inside.”

Reading a book usually calmed the children after a drill, so she let them choose one and they gathered in a circle on the floor.

She made it through the next hour without further distractions and finally the bell rang at three o’clock. Excited children fled down the hall. Good Lord, she couldn’t handle another day like today.

“Hey girlfriend. You look awful.” Tammy blew into the room like a summer breeze.

“Hey. Heavy thoughts. I’m glad the day is over.”

“How’s this for heavy? I’ve got an idea. Let’s get one of those hunky firemen to come to the school for a show and tell?”

“I’m doomed,” Cassie groaned, raising her head to the ceiling. The fates are definitely against me.

“What’s with you?”

Cassie shook her head in response.

“Think about it. It’s a great idea.” Tammy waved her hands, as if proving her point. “If you don’t want Mike here in your little sphere, we’ll get one of his buddies.”