Page 32 of Mike

“What do I need a man for? I have you to fill me in on all the dirty stuff I’m missing.”

Cassie rose to get more coffee. She brought the pot to the table and warmed both cups. “I’m not sharing.”

“You don’t have to share the man. Only the good stuff. Come on. I’m living my fantasy through you. At least tell me I’m having a good time.” Tammy laughed so hard she started to cough.

Cassie patted her on the back. “Like I said, get your own toy.”

“Humph.” Tammy sat back with a pout.

Chapter 9

Mike stepped on the accelerator and cursed. He needed to pay more attention to his driving and less on the best night of his life. He should have told Jared to take a hike, but the guy had gotten stuck in court. Mike had to rush home, shower, shave, and now he was late. He’d never been late. Even staying up all night and going to work bone weary, he arrived on schedule. Not today.

He slammed on the brake, jerking his truck to a halt. His fingers gripped the steering wheel so tight it was a wonder he didn’t bend the damn thing. At this rate, he would need to buy a new set of tires by spring. He listened to the radio as the announcer broadcasted the time. Shit. Shep would have his ass. Glaring at the light wouldn’t make it change any faster.

Finally, red changed to green. He stomped on the gas and took off. Before he’d gone two hundred feet, a siren wailed and blinking lights showed in his rear-view mirror.


He pulled his truck over to the side and waited for the cop to approach. As the officer stepped alongside, Mike lowered the window.

The officer removed his sunglasses. “Hey Mike. Where’s the fire?”

“Hey Chuck. I’m on my way to the station.”

“A fire?”

“No. But Shep is waiting for me.”

“Must be in a hurry. Spun out back there at the light.”

“Yeah.” Mike scrubbed his hand over his freshly shaven face. “Afraid I had my mind on something else.”

“We usually do when we don’t pay attention to our driving.” Chuck braced one arm on top of Mike’s truck. “Hey. I heard about the wreck last night, where you pulled that woman out of her SUV.”

And immediately had hero worship sex with one classy lady.

“Jared told me,” Chuck added.

“Jared? When did you see him?”

“At the courthouse this morning. He also said you were hurt.”

“Nothing serious.”

“My sister says EMTs make the worst patients, right on the list after doctors. She still works in ER over at Mercy.”

Mike knew where this was going. Chuck aimed to please his sister by fixing them up. Mike had no intention of dating the sister, cousin or any family member of one of his friends. That could get messy. Especially when the time came where he ended the affair and the partner had other ideas. He liked his friends and wanted to keep them.

“Tell her hi for me,” Mike said politely.

Chuck hesitated as if he was trying to decide whether or not he should say anything else.

“The reason I stopped you, I got those tickets to the Spurs game.”

Mike had forgotten about those. He breathed a sigh of relief.

“I’ve already got someone else asking. Still want them?”