Page 124 of Mike

“Mmm, this is good, if I must say so myself.” Tammy should pat herself on the back. Her cakes were awesome.

“It’s a good thing I don’t bake. I’ve put on ten pounds since I met you.”

“So, are we planning a wedding?” Tammy asked before shoving a bite of cake into her mouth.

“Aren’t you putting the cart before the horse?”

“Just a matter of time,” Tammy replied. “He will ask. I just hope you have the sense to say yes.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“Come on, girlfriend. Your insecurities. Thank God he’s just as stubborn as you.”

Cassie waved her comment away and stabbed another fork of cake. “I’m too happy to care. I love him and he loves me and yes, I plan on getting married.”

“To one hot firefighter. I’m happy for you.”

“You’ll be my maid of honor.”

“I better be.” Tammy stared at her for a moment, then surprised Cassie. “You deserve Mike.”

“I wish. He’s everything to me. I didn’t know it was possible to love someone so much.” Only weeks ago, she’d been alone. Content with her teaching during the day and quiet evenings at home. Now she knew she couldn’t face another day without Mike. He made her days brighter. He made her feel alive.

The doorbell rang.

“That’s Mike. We’re going to see my mom. It’s time she met him.” Cassie rose to answer the door, but Tammy grabbed her hand.



“I’m really happy for you.” Tammy stepped forward and nearly crushed Cassie with a fierce hug.

The doorbell rang again. Cassie broke free and ran to the door. Mike stood there with his cropped black hair and designer shades, looking like sin in his comfy jeans. She struggled to breathe.

“Hello, beautiful.” As had become his habit, Mike grabbed her and sealed her lips with a sensual kiss. She melted into him. He smelled so damn good, she snuggled, wanting to crawl inside his skin.

“Don’t let me interrupt.”

Mike was in no hurry to pull back. He glanced at Tammy. “Hi.”

“Hi yourself.” Tammy smirked, then picked up her purse. “I’m outta here. You kids have fun.”

Cassie tugged Mike inside. Before she could close the door, he spoke.

“If you want me to meet your mom, we better leave right now.”


Cassie’s mom had recovered from her surgery and returned home two weeks ago. She’d gone off the pain medication and the soreness in her back grew more tolerable each day. She still needed to take it easy for a while.

A man friend from her church visited regularly and on his first visit he’d brought roses. Cassie suspected a romance brewing there. Even so, her mom did not spend her days alone, which eased Cassie’s mind considerably.

Mike held Cassie’s hand as they stood on the front porch of her mom’s house. The front door opened. “Hi sweetie. Come in, come in.” Mom’s eyes lit up when she saw Mike. “And is this your man?”

Mike’s chuckle eased Cassie’s tension and let her know he liked her mother’s comment.

“Yes, Mom. This is Mike.” Her chest swelled with pride as he took her mother’s hand.