Page 125 of Mike

“How wonderful to meet you.”

“It’s my pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Peters.” Mike filled the doorway with a big grin on his handsome face.

“Call me Dorothy, please.”

Cassie leaned in and placed a kiss on her mother’s cheek while Mike closed the door, then he followed them into the living room.

Mom sat in her usual spot, a rose winged-back chair. She smoothed her hands down the sides of her skirt. “A fireman. Oh my. What an impressive profession.”

“It’s just a job,” Mike answered as he settled on the sofa beside Cassie.

“Oh, surely not. It’s an honorable career. Putting out fires. Saving lives.”

“I go where I’m needed. I do what I have to do.” He said it casually, almost embarrassed.

The big strong firefighter who saved lives didn’t like being called a hero. But, he was a hero. Her hero.

“I would say it takes a special individual to be a fireman.”

“It’s firefighter, mom. They say firefighter now.”

“Oh? It’s still a very dangerous occupation.”

“Mrs. Peters, I assure you …”

She waved her hand in a quick motion, brushing his comment away. “I’m sure you are quite capable. And I can see you love my daughter.”

Mike glanced at Cassie with a raised brow. Maybe she should have warned him her mother was not only good at reading people, but also a bit outspoken.

“Why don’t I get us some tea? And then you can tell me all about yourself, other than your job.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

Cassie squeezed his hand.

“Come with me, dear.” Her mom rose and turned toward the kitchen. Cassie couldn’t wait to see what her mom thought of Mike.

“I’ll be right back.” She whispered and he gave a nod of understanding.

As soon as they were in the kitchen, her mother started talking. “He’s quite handsome. And quite large.”

“Thanks, Mom.”

“For complimenting your man?”

Your man. That’s the second time her mom had referred to him that way. First Tammy and now Mom. Cassie loved the idea. Mike belonging to her.

All she had to do was believe in herself. And in Mike.

“Like the sound of that, do you?”

Cassie glanced to her mom in question.

“Your face lit up like the bright bulbs on a Christmas tree. And you’ve been glowing since you walked through the front door. And no man looks at a woman like that young man in there looks at you, unless he’s been intimate with her.”

Cassie wanted to crawl under the table. She never could hide anything from her mom.

“I’m not a fuddy dutty. I was young once too. Although in my day, marriage came first.” Her mom took three glasses from the cabinet and placed them on the counter, her rebuke as calm as if they were discussing the weather. “Get the ice, will you dear?”