Page 123 of Mike

“Mike, is it?” Jennifer leaned back with her cup in her hand.

“Yes, Mike Armstrong. I can’t imagine my life without him.”

“Wow. That’s pretty heavy.”

“I don’t know when or how soon or even if we’re getting married. But he feels the same way I do.”

“In that case, I’d say it won’t be long.”

The way Cassie felt about Mike, she’d marry him today. Since they were on the subject, she might as well get a certain issue out of the way.

“Jennifer, I’d like you to be in my wedding, but you know Tammy will be my Maid of Honor.”

“Are those darling boys going to be in it?”

The storm Cassie had expected did not come. Jennifer had spoken in a reasonable tone and actually seemed to accept the idea. Cassie needed to be sure.

“You’re okay with Tammy being my Maid of Honor?” she asked cautiously.

“Matron of honor,” Jennifer corrected. “It figures. She’s been your best friend forever.”

Cassie released a sigh of relief.

It was nice to have a conversation with her sister without dreading a scene.

Chapter 28

The morning sun rose, shining its light on a brand-new day. Cassie’s spirits soared higher than they had in a long time. She had to be the luckiest woman alive.

She padded to the kitchen, made another pot of coffee and called Tammy. When Cassie mentioned her breakfast with Jennifer yesterday and their big discussion, her friend rushed right over.

“So, Mike is the reason you called Jennifer?”

Cassie placed the coffee pot back on the burner. “Mike and I talked about Jennifer and how much control I’ve allowed her to have over my life. He thought I would feel better if I dealt with her. He told me I should call her and square things.”

Tammy’s eyes flew wide with surprise. “He doesn’t know her.”

“I told him. And he also told me if that didn’t work to tell her to go to hell.”

Tammy hooted. “I like your man.”

“So, do I.” She stared at the third finger on her left hand, imagining a ring there. “How did I get so lucky?”

“I still can’t believe you had a normal conversation with Jennifer. Is she setting you up for a fall?”

“She seemed genuine.” Cassie cut a slice of pound cake to go with their coffee. “Thanks for bringing over the cake.”

“You’re welcome. Is she bipolar?”

Cassie chuckled. “She doesn’t have mood swings. She speaks in the same monotone, snooty voice all the time.”

“How can you be monotone and snooty?”

“Well, just uppity, then. Although, she did act different at Kathy’s.”

“Different how?”

“I don’t know,” Cassie said handing Tammy a fork. “Almost human.”