Page 122 of Mike


Cassie leveled a glare on her sister. “Really.”

“Tell me about him. How did you meet? Wait. Is he that fireman? Tammy told me about him when she came to pick up the boys.”

“He’s a firefighter. And he’s everything to me.”

Her sister’s fork stopped mid-air and never reached her mouth. “You can’t be serious. You just met the guy.”

“I’m very serious, and if we”—Cassie moved her fork between the two of them—“weren’t so busy fighting, you’d know about him.”

Jennifer stabbed a blueberry. “Tell me about him, then.”

Cassie’s chest squeezed a little. Partly just because she loved Mike and partly because her sister was willing to listen.

Mike knew all her secrets and loved her anyway.

“He’s the most wonderful man I’ve ever met and he loves me.” Saying the words made her believe them even more. Mike did love her.

“For now, anyway.”

Irritation made Cassie’s muscles tense. “Must you always be so discouraging?”

“Do you forget there is a word called divorce? Forever doesn’t mean for- ever,” Jennifer said with a shrug.

“It can. With the right man.”

“Who’s to say there is such a thing as the right man?”

“Can you say you had the same feeling for Ronnie that you claim to have for Eric now? You didn’t love your first husband.”

With a shrug, Jennifer stuffed more pancake into her mouth.

“You’ve mentioned you’d like to fix things with Eric. At the very least, make them better so you don’t lose him.”

A flash of discomfort flickered in Jennifer’s eyes.

“Think about what I said.” Cassie lifted her mug. “You can have forever with Eric if that’s what you want. I want forever. One of these days, I’ll be married.”

Jennifer choked on her food. “What?” she gasped.

“You think you were the only one with marriage plans?” Cassie asked.

“You’re getting married?” Jennifer shouted.

“Lower your voice.” Cassie could feel the stares from the other patrons. “I will one day.”

“How soon?”

“Why? What’s wrong with my wanting to get married?”

“Have you told Mom?”

“I haven’t told anyone. I haven’t been asked.”

“But you’re thinking about it.”

“Look,” Cassie said, placing her mug on the table and leaning forward. “I’ve fallen in love. I’m crazy about Mike.”