Page 8 of Rock with You

“Not much. Trying to keep a low profile, although you made me the minute I walked into your shop.” He smiled, a sexy smile that intoxicated her even more than the wine. He lifted his glass. “To ice storms.”

She lifted her glass and tapped it against his. “To ice storms. And may this one be quick.”

“But I was just starting to have fun.” He was teasing, but truthfully, she was having fun.

“It could definitely be worse.” She sat and took another sip of her wine. “This smells amazing.”

“My ability to heat up food someone else cooked is second to none.” He sat across from her, and just like that, the whole place went black.

The silence was all-encompassing for a few seconds as her ears adjusted to the absence of the hum of a million different electronics. She looked across the table at Sam, illuminated now by just the pale, flickering shadows of the fire in the living room. “I was afraid this would happen.”

“Ice on the power lines?” he asked.

“Or a tree may have fallen. Last winter, I lost power for almost three days.”

“That’s a long time.” He stood. “I wish I could say I was better prepared. The truth is, I’m sure there are candles and flashlights around here somewhere, but damn if I know where.”

“I saw a candle in the guest bath. I’ll go get it.” She stood and hurried down the hall, sliding her hands along the wall once she’d left the glow of the fireplace behind. She fumbled her way into the bathroom and felt around, her fingers eventually closing over the smooth, round surface of the candle.

She was halfway back to the living room when she collided with Sam’s warm, solid body. His hands settled on her shoulders to steady her. “Did you find it?” he asked, his voice so smooth and sexy in the darkness.

“Mm-hmm.” She was flush against him, absorbing the warmth of his body into hers. The scent of his cologne enveloped her, toying with her senses. She was alone in the dark with Sam Weiss, and it was hot. Feeling completely unlike herself, she leaned closer, tipping her face in what she imagined might be the direction of his.

“Carly.” His voice was lower now, raspy, and it scraped over all her sensitive spots.

She opened her mouth, but nothing came out except a needy gasp. Her breasts were pressed against his chest, the sensation heightened by the darkness surrounding them. Her nipples hardened into aching peaks, her every breath seeming to bring her closer against him.

Kiss me. Please kiss me…

As if he’d read her mind, his lips brushed hers, and whoa. She might be able to light the whole downed power grid from the sparks ricocheting around inside her. His hands slid down to her waist, anchoring her more firmly against him. “Been wanting to do that,” he murmured against her lips.

“You have?”

“Since I met you this morning.” And then he kissed her again. Deeper this time. Harder. Her lips parted, and his tongue swept into her mouth. He tasted bold and spicy, like the wine they’d shared. His kiss was hot and sensual, needy but unhurried, and it ignited a powerful hunger inside her, burning her up from the inside out.

He let out a rough sound as his hands slid beneath her T-shirt, skimming her bare skin. The sweatpants he’d given her hung low on her hips. She’d rolled the waistband to keep them up, leaving a lot of bare skin, and Sam’s fingers scraped across every exposed inch. His hands slid up her back, branding her skin with heat everywhere he touched, and she was so turned on, it was all she could do not to climb him like a cat on a Christmas tree.

“So fuckin’ sexy,” he whispered.

She tried to speak, but her hands were on his ass, his very firm, tight ass, and… “Wow.”

He lifted his head, smiling wickedly. “My thoughts exactly. You are full of surprises, Carly.”

“Am I?” She almost laughed at the absurdity, but well…she was surprising herself tonight.

“Come on. Let’s eat before our food gets cold.” His hand slid into hers, and he led her back into the living room.

Sam was full of surprises, too. Here they were, isolated from the world, yet he’d been the one to slow things down just now. Not the shameless womanizer the media portrayed. This version might be even more dangerous, for her at least, because she liked him. A lot. But they didn’t know each other. Not really.

He lifted the candle from her hands. A match flared, and the candle flickered to life. He set it in the middle of the table. “Fine dining by candlelight.”

“Yeah.” The flickering candle, the fireplace crackling behind them, it was awfully romantic. And her lips still tingled from his kisses.

“Back to that little game we were playing earlier. I think it’s my turn.” He took a bite of meatloaf and chewed, his eyes never wavering from hers. “What do you do for fun when you’re not at the bakery?”

She scrunched her nose. “I read a lot. Listen to music. Bake. Boring, right?”

He pointed his fork in her direction. “Nothing about you is boring. Your turn.”