“Same question. What do you do for fun when you’re not making music?” She bit into the meatloaf, and O-M-G it was amazing. She had to restrain herself to keep from diving into it in a very unladylike manner.
“Don’t get as much free time as I’d like, but when I get the chance, I go surfing. Always loved the ocean. Who am I keeping you from tonight, Carly? Family? Roommates?”
A boyfriend? His unasked question hung in the air between them. “No one. I live alone.”
“Two solitary people stranded together.” His dark eyes glittered in the candlelight. “This could get interesting.”
Sam leaned back on the couch, wineglass in hand. Carly had curled herself in the big chair by the fireplace. Already the house had begun to cool, but overall they were in good shape. After they ate, he’d called his manager, who’d called the property management company that owned the cabin and found out there was a backup generator outside that would power the pump to the well so they had running water.
They had plenty of dry firewood, and he and Carly had gathered a table full of flashlights, candles, batteries, and matches after rummaging through the house. He also had a portable charger that should keep their cell phones going for a day or two.
He reached for the battered notepad on the coffee table. Just watching Carly filled his mind with lyrics. Before he knew it, he’d filled four pages with hastily scrawled words. When he glanced up, she was watching, silhouetted by the fireplace, and he didn’t know whether to try to capture her beauty in his notebook or kiss her again.
The only sound in the room was the crackling of the fire. Its light danced over Carly’s features, making her eyes sparkle and her lips glisten. Shadows leaped across her face.
Shadow dancer, he wrote.
He set his notepad on the table and looked at her. “I don’t know about you, but I think it’s time to bust into some of those boxes you brought.”
She smiled. “We could eat ourselves into a sugar coma by the time we get rescued.”
“I’m down with that plan.” He stood, picked up the lit candle, and led the way into the kitchen. Inside the pantry, white bakery boxes were piled high. “Where do we start?”
She stepped closer to peek over his shoulder. “What do you like?”
He turned his head. “You.”
Her eyes widened, and she sucked in a breath. “I meant…”
He leaned in so that his lips hovered over hers. “I know what you meant. Surprise me.”
Her gaze dropped to his mouth. She slipped past him and surveyed the boxes, finally selecting a medium-sized one on a shelf near the floor. “Close your eyes.”
With a grin, he obeyed. “I like the way you think.”
“Open your mouth.”
He did, feeling arousal tighten in his groin as he waited for her next move. Her fingers brushed his lips, and something sticky and sweet settled on his tongue. He closed his mouth and chewed. Thick, syrupy sweetness and something nutty and crunchy. Whatever it was, it was as delicious as the woman standing in front of him. He opened his eyes. “It’s like a bite of pecan pie, but better.”
She smiled. “A pecan tart.”
“My turn,” he said, waiting until she’d closed her eyes. “Let’s see how well you know your stuff, Miss Bakery Owner.”
“Oh, I know my stuff.”
He held in a groan. Damn, she was sexy, and she was turning him on big time right now. Yeah, he’d kissed her in the hallway earlier, but she was too sweet for a guy like him. He’d had his share of women throw themselves at him, more than his fair share. He knew what cheap, meaningless sex felt like.
Carly wasn’t cheap, and absolutely nothing about her was meaningless.
He went into the pantry and grabbed the first box he saw—cupcakes. He lifted the top and swiped his index finger through the thick, white frosting. Then he brought it to her lips. She let out a sexy sound that sent a bolt of white-hot lust straight to his dick. She licked frosting off his finger, and he went hard.
“Caramel macchiato,” she whispered, opening her eyes.
He picked up the box, squinting to read the label in the dim light. “You got it.”
“Made it myself this morning.” She motioned for him to close his eyes.