Page 79 of Steam

“I asked him.”

Finn laughs, and the sound does nothing good for my nerves.

“Jeez, Cal, can you drive any slower?” Finn elbows me and starts right in with another story about working with Sully. I’m all but hyperventilating as I pull into guest parking, taking my time getting out of my car.

Still no call or text. Short of refusing to get on the elevator, I don’t know how else to slow my brother down. But that gives me an idea.

“Maybe we should take the stairs,” I say. Finn gapes at me, holding the elevator door open.

“You’re out of your mind,” he says.

“I just thought maybe you could use the exercise.”

“Are you calling me fat?” Finn sounds almost offended. Any other time, I’d have laughed my head off.

Oh, Christ. My heart is pounding and by the time the elevator doors open again I’m worried I might actually throw up in the hallway.

“Shit, hang on,” says Finn. “I think I left my keys in the car. Be right back.”

A break. Thank you, Jesus.

I knock on the door. West pulls it open a moment later, wearing nothing but a towel. Raleigh’s sitting on the couch, shirtless, looking like the cat who ate the canary.

“Finally,” he growls, pulling me through the door and bending me back over his arm in a kiss.

“Never mind, I found them—” Finn stops in the doorway. “What the fuck? West?”

West’s entire body goes rigid. He slowly stands back up, pulling me upright in front of him.

“Finn,” he says.

“What the fuck are you doing, man? That’s Callie,” says Finn. He catches sight of a shirtless Raleigh as he stands up. “Who the hell are you? What is going on here?”

I swallow hard, turning around to face my brother.

“Finn, I can explain.”

“Thank God, because I’m sure as hell not—” Finn stops speaking as understanding dawns. “Oh, my fucking God.”


“You’re that kid from the wedding,” says Finn, pointing at Raleigh. “Jill’s boy. Raleigh. Yeah, I remember now.”

Raleigh nods, coming to stand next to West. Finn’s eyes narrow, bouncing back and forth between them.

“You’ve got to be joking,” says Finn.

“Nobody’s laughing, Finn,” says West.

“Don’t talk to me,” says Finn, his voice tight. “Callahan. Tell me I’m not seeing what I think I’m seeing. And tell me fast.”

I feel West’s hand on my shoulder, squeezing lightly, and it gives me strength. I reach back for Raleigh’s hand.

“Raleigh and West and I—”

“No,” Finn barks. “No. You are not about to tell me that the three of you—? You and they—”

“We’re together,” says West, his voice glacial with control. I can hear the tension beneath it, nerves and pain all balled up under that facade.