Page 78 of Steam

“We’ve got all the time in the world.”

“Callie will be here soon,” he says. I’m struck with déjà vu and I have a brief, vivid fantasy of what it would be like for all of us to be under the same roof, never having to worry about where the others are. It takes my breath away.

“Callahan,” I say, nipping at his earlobe, “would pay money to walk in and see you like this. You know that.”

“Just me?” says Raleigh, his hands stealing underneath the towel to grip my thighs.

“Both of us, then,” I say. His hands are so damned close to where I want them, the anticipation sharp and brutal. “Raleigh.”

“Hmm?” he murmurs, his eyes on the tented fabric between us.

“Raleigh.” I’m growling at him, and he’s eating it up. “I will make you pay for every minute you make me wait.”

“Looking forward to it,” he says, meeting my gaze with a grin and sliding his hands up to my hips without touching my cock. He pushes the towel up and away until it drops, pooling on his knees behind me.

Raleigh doesn’t take his eyes off me as he wraps a hand around my shaft and guides the head of my cock into his mouth.

The heat and slide coupled with Raleigh’s blatant determination to get me off exponentiate my arousal, and within a minute, I’m pulling on his hair, yanking my hips back to keep from coming too soon.

“Pleased with yourself, are you?” I ask, self-satisfaction written all over his face. It doesn’t dampen my arousal; rather, just the opposite. Victory looks good on him.

“Maybe we should wait until Callie gets here,” he says, fisting my cock and stroking easily until I relent and let go of his hair. “She can give me pointers.”

I groan, Raleigh’s smirk the last thing I see before he takes me back in, this time trying for depth.

Raleigh’s lack of experience is buried under enthusiasm for the task at hand, and I’m forced to pull back again. Raleigh doesn’t let me go this time.

“Raleigh,” I say, the tingling starting to build. “Raleigh.”

He looks up at me, eyes wide and pleading and oh, Christ.

He takes it, swallowing it all, watching me the whole time until I slump over, kissing his hair and his forehead and anything else I can reach. Raleigh laughs and pulls the towel around me, wiping his mouth. He jerks when I kiss him on the mouth, but doesn’t pull away.

“How’d I do, sir?” he asks sometime later, biting his lip and not meeting my eyes.

“Raleigh.” It’s on the tip of my tongue to give him words I never thought I’d give to anyone, but not yet. I need Callie here, too, for the first time.

Christ, what am I saying? I’ve lost my damn mind. Or my heart, at least.

Blood pounding all over again, I take a deep breath and open my mouth.

A knock comes at the door.



“So Sully pulls the guy aside,” says Finn, gesturing animatedly throughout the story. “I’d have fired him on the spot, but you know Sully. Patient motherfucker.”

I make the appropriate noises, hoping Finn doesn’t notice my intense distraction. At the next light, I furtively check my phone, but no new calls or messages have come through in the last three minutes since I last checked. I can’t very well call West with Finn sitting right next to me. Or Raleigh, come to think about it. I haven’t told anybody we’ve been seeing each other.

And for all my private bravado the last couple of weeks over how well things have been going, how involved and present West has been and how giving Raleigh is and how we all just seem to work—

For all that, I’m not ready for us to be out.

The knot in my stomach grows as we approach West’s apartment building.

“How did you know where he lives now, anyway?” says Finn.