Page 10 of Alexander's Heart

“No, Lily wasn’t raped, we performed the examination when we were checking her cervix after the bloods came back positive to make sure her cervix was intact and that she wasn’t bleeding vaginally. We found no bruising, fluid or evidence that any sexual assault had occurred.”

I breathe out a relived breath and know I have tears in my eyes, I look back to Doc and he smiles brighter this time.

“Let’s head in and we’ll do a scan, I need to make sure your baby survived, take a couple of deep breaths man, Lily is in a bad way and her visual injuries are quite shocking to look at, so prepare yourself.”

I do as Doc says as we make our way inside the warm sterile recovery area.

When I see Lily, my breath is sucked from my lungs, nothing will ever prepare you for seeing your loved one in that condition. My angel is unrecognizable, she’s hooked up to many different machines and looks so small and fragile lying there and I have to remind myself that she is alive, and the machines vital for her body to recover.

I rush forward and gently brush my hand over her blood stained hair. Lily’s face is so swollen and bruised and all I want to do is get my hands on Trickle, that fucker is going to have a long drawn out death, but I’ll really enjoy torturing his ass before I finally allow him to die.

Doc wheels over a machine and tells me to take a seat.

“Okay, Daddy, you ready to meet your baby?” Doc asks all excited.

I look to Doc, and I know a tear rolls down my stubbled cheek, “Should we wait for Lily to be conscious so we can share this moment together? It feels wrong to do this without her knowing.”

“You can look away, but I need to make sure baby is secure and still alive.” Doc explains.

I want to look, I really fucking do, but I want to experience this with Lily. I nod and lower my head.

“Okay, I’ll be quick.” Doc says getting to work, “I’m jus–”

Doc goes silent, and all I hear is clicks and a rolling sound coming from the portable ultrasound machine. I look up to see Doc with a strange look on his face.

“What is it? Is our baby, okay?”

Doc doesn’t answer me, he’s laser focused on the screen moving the wand over Lily’s lower abdomen.

“Doc, what the fuck is going on?” I grind out.

“I need to do a transvaginal ultrasound; I need to be certain of what I’m seeing.”

“What the fuck is that?” I bite out, all I recognized was, something vagina in his statement.

“When a woman is early in pregnancy or we need to get a closer more in depth look we use this.” Doc holds up a long dildo looking wand with a condom over the top of it. “it is very common for women to have to have this type of ultrasound.”

“Fuck no, Doc, what the fuck man?” I question.

“I wouldn’t do this if I didn’t need to, Chief.” Doc implores.

I close my eyes, fuck me, Lily escaped being raped but now has to have a device inserted into her, a place that only I’ve been an no one else.

“Do what you have to Doc, but be gentle for-fucks-sake, Lily has only ever had me inside of her.” I sigh heavily, I feel the relief finally wash over me that my angel wasn’t raped but this is still hard.

Doc just nods his head while he rolls a stool over to sit on and gets into position. He squirts a liberal amount of lube onto the wand and then it disappears beneath her gown, and I feel like we’re violating Lily, and bile rises into my throat, which I swallow down with a hard gulp. I get that it’s medical and needed. but it still doesn’t make me feel any better.

“Okay, I’m in, turn away if you don’t want to see anything.”

I can’t this time, my eyes are glued to the screen and all I can hope is that Lily will forgive me, I see a lot of white space and my heart starts racing, I don’t know what I’m meant to be looking at, I do see a greyish mass.

“What am I looking for, Doc?”

“Well, your babies are definitely snug and well protected, let’s see if we can find a heartbe–”

“What did you just say... babies? As in plural? More than one?”

Doc looks over to me with the biggest shit eating grin I’ve ever seen his face sport, “Yeah man, congratulations, you managed to knock Lily up good and proper.”