Alexa is already asleep and I gently lay her onto the bed and pull the blankets up over her. I turn to the doctor and he gives me a run-down of what to expect in the coming days, Alexa’s bruising will intensify before it starts to recede, which I’m well aware of, but the main thing is that she is okay, all her scans came back clear and she has no cognitive impairment. She just needs to heal and that will take time.
The doctor fills me in on Davies condition, and the stubborn man is also hiding the severity of his injuries, it’s a miracle he’s alive. The two brain bleeds were extensive, and he is lucky to still be breathing himself, he is not out of danger and needs to remain resting as much as possible because he has a long road to recovery. That’s going to be a battle in and of itself, but I’m so fucking thankful, they’re both alive and just need time to regenerate their bodies.
I’ve spent the last hour filling Charlotte in on what happened with Lily’s rescue, and what we found upon entering the basement of the fishery.
“Where the fuck is he?” Charlotte’s voice low and deadly.
“The rest of the team have him and are being picked up as we speak, I’m sure he’s in a world of hurt right now, my men are savage when they need to be.”
Charlotte scoffs, “Oh, they fucking need to be, Harrington, I want that cunt to really suffer before you kill him, and I know it will be you who ends him and I’m glad.”
“Yeah, I will do the honors with pride. But he needs to remain alive for now, we need more information on Rob. The three bullet holes I already gave him and the beating I’m sure my boys are doing will keep him real comfortable till his time comes. But it will come Charlotte, and I will make him wish he never laid hands on my angel.” I promise.
“Good, the fucking scumbag deserves everything you’re about to give him, and don’t you let his death tarnish you, he has earned his place in hell.” Charlotte grins wickedly.
To say that Charlotte wants a piece of Trickle would be an understatement. Charlotte is seething mad and shaking she is that fucking riled up, but she also has tears streaming down her face now that she’s said her piece, and I can see her softer side shining through. I am eternally grateful that it was Charlotte’s doorstep Lilly crashed into, Charlotte has been protective and Lily’s strength when she needed it most. Davies would have been called obviously but Lily needed Charlotte by her side too, and I think Charlotte really needed a piece of Lily also.
Charlotte has four of her uncle’s detail manning the entry points to the hospital but I also know that he is a cold man, being a U.S Senator makes a person distant and everything regimented there’s no real affection. I know she lost her parents when she was young and has fought the world alone. I can see that Charlotte really loves Lily just as much as we all do, Lily opened her heart just like she did the rest of us, and she needs to know she is now a part of our family unit, and that we have her back.
“Charlotte, I want you to know you are family now and we have your back.”
Charlotte nods, “Thanks, Harrington, you weren’t getting rid of me anyway, but I do appreciate being welcomed into the fold.”
I laugh because I know she wouldn’t have allowed her Lily to be taken from her, but I sure am glad she is accepting of our family and can see that my angel is happy.
I’m sitting on Alexa’s bed stroking her curls while watching her sleep peacefully when Charlie Chief enters the suite to inform me that Lily is in recovery.
My heart rate spikes and my veins flood with adrenaline, the relief I feel is all consuming. I kiss my princess on her forehead and stand and look toward Charlotte.
“I’ll watch Alexa, go be with our girl, Harrington.”
“Thanks, Charlotte.” I say.
I move quickly and exit the room, I’m grateful that Charlotte is watching over Alexa and Davies, having a friendly face is always better for a patients recovery, besides Charlotte is family now and where she wants to be.
Making my way to the recovery unit my thoughts are consumed with all the possibilities I’m about to face.
Is Lily going to be, okay? What is her recovery going to entail? Did that filthy fucking prick rape my angel? Did our baby survive?
As I turn the last corner and enter the sterile corridor, I see Doc striding towards me, he looks spent. My brother has just saved my angel’s life and I owe him everything... my life.
“Doc, how’s Lily doing?”
Doc offers me an exhausted smile and I give him a solid hug, us men don’t hug very often but when we do it’s because we fucking need it, and I know that this has been just as hard on Doc as it has been on me, he literally had Lily’s life in his hands.
“Lily made it through surgery but she is critical, the next seventy-two hours will be the hardest, but for now she’s pulled through the surgery like the angel she is, it’s going to be a long road to recovery but she will do it and just needs time to heal.”
I step back and ask the all-important question.
“Will Lily be okay Doc? Is there going to be any long term damage?”
Doc claps me on the back, “Chief, I was able to repair her liver and stopped the bleed, her lungs are badly bruised and I repaired the hole in her right lung but they need time to heal before we even attempt to bring Lily off the ventilator. So, you need to know it won’t be a quick recovery.”
“Doc, was…” I close my eyes and breathe in deeply and let out a shaky breath because I need to know, “was Lily raped?” I ask, my voice hoarse with rage and emotion.