“Son, where can I get me one of these?” Betty hollers and grins wickedly into the rearview mirror, “I’ll never get rid of my ol’ girl but I need to get me one of these.”
“You get us there safely Betty, and this one is yours,” I chuckle out.
“Hooyah!” Betty booms.
“Alright, Lily, just keep breathing like that. You’re doing fantastic,” Doc encourages from the front passenger seat, his voice is calm and reassuring amongst the chaos.
“Cupcake, we’re almost there, just hang on,” Betty assures, glancing briefly in the rearview mirror once again, her tone both calm and commanding.
Lily breathes deeply, her face etched with both pain and determination. Doc, ever the steadying presence in our team, is monitoring her condition, offering words of comfort and checking his watch periodically.
“You’ve got this Lily, you’re doing great. We’re nearly there,” Doc says, his voice a soothing contrast to the sirens and honks outside.
I take hold of Lily’s right hand in my own, squeezing it gently. My mind racing with concern for my angel and our unborn twins, the love of my life is being so brave and strong yet she is so vulnerable. I lean my head to hers, whispering, “I’m here, my love. You’re doing incredibly. I’m so proud of you, Angel.”
Lily manages a small smile amidst her pain and the chaos, her grip tightening on my hand. “I can’t wait to meeeet themmm,” she groans back, a mix of joy and apprehension in her eyes.
“Ow, ow, ow, Doc, how far? I’m feeling immensssee pppressure, owww, shhiiiitttt.”
Doc looks to me and shakes his head and calls the hospital, “This is, Dr. Cade Bryant, I need a delivery suite ready and theatre on standby. Elizabeth Harrington, well Lily Saunders on your system 10.31.2001. Is in active twin labor, twenty-two years old, thirty five weeks pregnant, and was fifty percent effaced three days ago. Page Dr. Sarah Langley to meet us at the Emergency drop off zone, with a gurney.”
“If at all you feel you need to push, I need you to breathe through it and resist bearing down, I know that it is a hard ask and you can curse me all you want. But I’d prefer a twin pregnancy to be delivered at the hospital and not on the back seat of the Beast.” Doc implores.
I’m sitting here feeling fucking useless, holding onto Lily for grim death, wishing I could take her pain away when a gush of warm fluid soaks my lap.
“Doc, we have a problem,” I snap.
“Ohhhhhh, no, no, no, Doccccc!” Lily lets out on a long deep groan.
“Warm, sweet smelling liquid,” I grind out.
“Cupcake, now you listen to Betty Mae, you hear! I haven’t got cops on my ass for no God damn reason, you snap those long legs of yours shut, you hear me baby girl!”
It’s only then that I register the red and blue lights, “Well this will be fun,” I chuckle.
“I heeeaarr yoouu. Ohhh, Aaaalexanderrrr, the bugs are commminnngggg.” Lily’s pained voice echoes through the vehicle.
Just as the hospital finally comes into view, relief washes through me, mingled with a surge of anticipation.
“Alexander, Doc, you get my cupcake out and I’ll deal with this asshole behind us.”
Betty takes the corner like she’s on rails and slides to a stop directly in front of the Emergency entry doors. I squeeze myself out with Lily in my arms, not easy when we’re both dressed to the nines, and there stands some cocky fucking rookie cop with his gun drawn, I turn my back to him slightly to shield Lily.
“You’d wanna put your fucking weapon away, Son,” Betty bellows.
“Stop you’re under are–”
Hearing his shaky voice, I turn back to watch the show as Lily groans out low and long, I know that it’ll be Betty who takes this punk ass cop down and not Doc.
“If you don’t lower your weapon officer, I am going to take it from you and shove it clean up your fucking ass. Do. You. Hear. Me!” Betty has flipped her switch and I go to step toward the entry to get Lily inside and he swings his firearm at me, and in 3... 2... 1...!
Betty kicks him in the balls then pushes his hands up into the air grabbing his weapon and brings his face down onto her knee, the pussy cop screams like a bitch and falls to the ground.
“I asked you nicely, then I warned you, boy. And did you heed my warning, no!”
Betty removes the cops clip from his gun and sheds his bullets all over the pavement.
“You are all under arrest,” He screams.