Page 92 of Alexander's Heart

“Kid, you see that woman my son is holding in his arms, that’s my daughter in God damn labor and about to give birth to twins in a fucking hospital parking lot, because of your delaying nonsense, I don’t fucking think so, not on my watch! These men are United States, Navy SEAL - Alpha 1. And trust me, you think what I’ve done to you is bad, you won’t want these boys on your ass. Now radio your Captain, NOW!”

Lily manages a giggle, “I llovve hheerrr!”

“I love you too, Cupcake. You good for a minute while I take out the trash?”

“Yeah, I-I ddon’t want t-to, Owwwww, you assssshhollllee radio NOWWWW.”

The officer pulls his radio off his belt clip and hands it to Betty with wide eyes, it’s fucking funny as all get out, now we have an epic story to tell.

:I need the police captain; I have one of his officers on the ground disarmed and I need to make a complaint.

Betty states calmly but assertively.

:Yes, Ma’am.

:Captain Briggs, speaking.

:Sir, I have an insolent young officer, what’s your name rookie.

Betty leans in to check his nameplate and shakes her head with an amused look on her face.

:Doyle, I have Officer Doyle here on the ground, who drew his weapon on innocent people without cause or warning. Yes, I was speeding but my grandbabies are literally coming out of my cupcakes v-jay, jay as we speak. This young officer needs to learn not to pull a piece on people as his first response, and for the love of all that’s fucking holly, get him some God damn training!

:Who am I speaking with?

Captain Briggs voice assertively clips out.

:I am Betty Mae Rogers; my employers like to call me Deadloch. My daughter’s Husband is SEAL Chief, Alpha 1, her Doctor who was traveling with us is Alpha 7, would you like me to continue, Sir?

Betty bites out.

:Alpha team?

Cap queries and I give Officer Doyle a wolfish grin, because all the cops in every precinct know who we are.


Betty growls over the fucking twenty questions, Lily giggles and I chuckle because it is too funny.


Cap says sounding amused. I signal Betty to hold down the button on the mic and yell.

:Yeah Cap, we good?

:We’re good, Alpha 1. Congratulations on your marriage today, look after Elizabeth, and the precinct sends you well wishes for your babies coming into the world, may they arrive safely.

:Thanks, Cap, will do.

I reply proudly.

:Who’s the feisty woman you got with you, Harrington? Cap asks as an afterthought.

Betty steps in and answers this time and I can’t wait to hear what she says.

:Me well... if I told you, I’d have to kill you. That is not a threat, Captain, it is the truth. I think you have all the information you require. I’m going to hand Officer Doyle back his weapon who will quickly pick up his bullets of the damn pavement and get his ass to you. Now, I’m going go watch my daughter give birth to my grandbabies, sorry about the disruption but nothing was gonna stop me getting my cupcake to hospital, have a good evening.

Betty states not waiting for a reply.