Page 65 of Fangs and Fudge

“This is too many times, Everly, that you’ve come back from a close call, smelling like the same vampire and offering half-baked excuses for why. Strip so I can see how bad it is?”

“It’s none of your business how bad it is,” I said, offended and angry.

Something flashed in Shepard’s eyes. “Strip, or I’ll end up tearing your uniform, Everly.”

“I think there’s a misunderstanding,” Vena said. “Everly, he’s not talking about your bloody bra. He still thinks you were bitten and under Cross’ influence. And I’m happy to strip for you, Shepard, even though I don’t smell like Cross. I’m not his flavor, apparently.”

“Not helping, Vena,” I said, holding Shepard’s stare. “And she’s right. I thought you were talking about my bra.”

I unbuttoned another button to show him the very small blood stain on the center of my work pushup. His gaze locked on my cleavage as he inhaled.

“Doc, call Moreen. If Everly doesn’t want to show me, she can show her.”

I frowned. “I just showed you!”

“All of it.”

“I’m not showing anyone all of it,” I said, crossing my arms.

“It smells like you already did.”

I seethed, my temper reaching a level typically reserved for Vena on one of her don’t-fuck-with-me period days.

“I’m about two seconds from kneeing you and finding out if you yelp like a dog or whimper like a man, Shepard.”

Some of the anger left his gaze, and his lips quirked slightly.

“Is that so?”

“I appreciate that you care about us. Truly, I do. We need that extra level of concern lately. And given what’s happened with Sierra, I absolutely understand your fear that my brain’s been tampered with. But if that’s the case, monitor me just like you do Miles and Sierra. I’m betting neither one of them has been degraded with a strip search.”

Shepard exhaled heavily and shifted his gaze to the right.

“Neither one of them means as much to me as you do, Everly.”

“Then don’t do something that will push me away.”

“I’m trying not to.” He backed up a step and ran his hand through his hair. “Okay. Fine. Starting now, you’re under twenty-four-seven watch. No more separate cars. No more closed bedroom doors at night. Your guard is going to be within four feet of you at all times.”

“Well, that’s going to make going to the bathroom a little awkward,” Vena mumbled, earning a warning look from Shepard.

“No problem,” I said. “We can do that.”

“And there will be six men watching the house at all times. I could smell the vampire’s scent trail all over the place out there.”

Vena’s expression lost its lingering humor. “Are you kidding me right now? You’re wasting that many people here? Because of Cross? We already told you he’s fine. You should be using your manpower to search for Anchor.”

“You should have thought of that before pulling tonight’s stunt,” Shepard said.

Their gazes locked. Both were too stubborn for their own good.

I headed to the kitchen. “Vena, you use the bathroom first.”

Vena pivoted on her heel and marched to the bathroom.

Turning on the faucet, I filled the kettle and started heating it while I fished out the nighttime calming tea. Everyone was going to need a strong cup of it before bed.

I felt Shepard watching me from the kitchen entry but didn’t look at him or talk to him as I went about my task. I hoped that meant he had enough sense to know when to back off.