“Everly, talk to me,” Shepard said.
“I already agreed to become a virtual prisoner. What else do you want from me?”
“For you to not put yourself in danger. To not smell like vampire every time I see you.”
“I agree to the first. And I hope you know I’ve never once purposely put myself in danger. The last few weeks have just been really unlucky for me.
“But I don’t agree with your second request. Cross is the only vampire I talk to, and whether you like it or not, he’s been helping me and your pack. He doesn’t bite me or compel me. He was the one who rescued us tonight, and he also said to tell you about the infestation at the club, which has been two clubs that have been taken down because of him. And by doing so, he has ostracized himself from the vampires.”
“He picked his side by rescuing me and outing them, Shepard. Cross will probably be hunted now by his people. I don’t want him being hunted by you, especially since he’s been helping you. And he’s told me repeatedly to trust you; that you will keep me safe. He doesn’t have any prejudices against you like you have for him.”
“Everly, you can’t trust vampires. He probably has an ulterior motive for helping you.”
“I am one comment away from shutting down this conversation and quitting Blur.”
Shepard blinked and then raised his palms. “We’ll table this discussion for the morning when we’ve all slept and have had time to reflect.”
The kettle whistled, and I turned my back on him while I poured the water into mugs and dropped tea bags into them.
“Where is Doc?” I asked, handing one of the mugs to Shepard.
“He’ll patrol outside.”
“Who is inside?”
Shepard hesitantly blew steam from his cup. “Me.”
I considered him for a moment. “I’m not stupid or ignorant. I choose to ignore what I don’t want to deal with. Before now, it was the game you and Cross have been playing with me. Kissing me where the other one kissed me. Touching me so the other one knows and can smell their scent on me.
“Believe my warning, Shepard. I’m not going to be a chew toy between you and Cross. I’m taking my cup of tea and going to bed. I’ll leave the door open, but I swear if you start checking me for bite marks while I’m sleeping, you will learn what fear is. Got it?”
He dipped his head in acknowledgment, and I carried Vena’s cup to her room to set it on the nightstand. Just as I was leaving, she came out of the bathroom.
“It’s all yours,” she said.
“Thank you. I put tea on your nightstand.”
“You’re my favorite roommate.” She leaned and whispered, “Who is my other roommate tonight?”
At my scowled expression, she gave a nod. “Want to bunk with me tonight?”
Ordinarily, I would have said no. I liked my bed, and Vena tended to spin like an alligator catching its prey. Only, the prey was her blanket, and I would be left to spoon her for warmth if I got cold. But after the deaths at the club and the argument with Shepard, I could use a little BFF time. I’d just make sure to wear my spring pajamas.
“You can tell Shepard he can use my bed if he wants to,” I said and placed my cup on her nightstand as well. “I’ll go shower.”
Maybe once I didn’t smell like Cross, Shepard’s unhinged mind could reset.
I hurried through my shower, looking forward to drinking my tea and sleeping.
However, Shepard was waiting outside of the bathroom door, blocking my path to Vena’s room.
“You don’t need to run from me, Everly,” Shepard said with a hint of regret. “I’m worried about you. I don’t want you to feel like a prisoner; I just want you to be safe. If sleeping with your door open when I’m here makes you that uncomfortable, then close it.”
I could see the worry in his eyes and the sincerity. It was hard to stay mad in the face of either of them.