Page 27 of Fangs and Fudge

“I’ll get you something better,” Doc said. “I’ll be right back.” He paused and looked at me. “Don’t leave without me.”

“I won’t,” I said.

He walked out the door while Gunther wiped most of the blood off his face then his neck. The number of holes peppering his throat made me cringe.

“Let me get another one,” I said.

“Thanks,” he rasped.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Vena edge closer to the main-floor door. She wanted to know what was being said on the other side of those doors. If I were honest with myself, so did I.

“MC, can you wet another towel? They’re a little too hot for me to handle.”

“Sure.” He went to get a fresh one, and I glanced at Vena as she crept toward the door and slipped out to the service area.

I focused on Gunther and how he was scrubbing at his neck.

“That’s not going to help it heal,” I said, touching the back of his hand. “But a new shirt might help you feel better. Do you want one?”

He nodded as he took the new cloth from MC.

“There are spare white t-shirts in locker zero. Would you mind getting one?” I asked.

MC nodded and left.

When Gunther took off his shirt, I wanted to cry with him. There were bites everywhere, and someone had written “my boy toy” and “I love furry friends” on his chest in permanent marker.

He scrubbed the new cloth over his skin.

“MC, grab my purse from locker 7, too, please,” I said without raising my voice.

He returned with the shirt and purse. When he saw the writing on Gunther’s chest, his lip curled, and anger burned in his eyes.

“I’ll get another wet towel,” he said, walking to the sink.

I took a makeup wipe from my purse and gently pulled Gunther’s hands away from his chest.

“You’ll make it worse. Let me,” I said.

He closed his eyes and shuddered non-stop as I gently used the makeup wipe to remove the marker. When I finished, I took the new cloth from MC and wiped away more of the blood.

“It’s gone now,” I said to Gunther. “You can open your eyes.”

He took the shirt I offered and slipped it on. Then he just sat there and stared at the floor.

Whoever had done that to Gunther was a monster, reminding me that Cross was the exception to vampires, not the norm. Miles had been so lucky with his kidnapping.

Vena slipped back into the kitchen and came to stand beside me moments before Doc entered.

“Here. Drink this. It’ll take a few minutes to kick in, but once it does, it’ll knock you out for a day.”

“Thanks,” Gunther said, tipping back the small vial.

“Shepard’ll take you home. He said he’ll be here in a minute, okay?”

Gunther nodded, and Doc looked at MC. “Mind staying with him?”

“Not at all.”