He nodded to Vena and me as we left with Doc.
She didn’t say anything until we were on the main road home and knew our escort wouldn’t hear.
“You’re not going to believe this shit,” she said.
“The police were called to the hotel and saw the bloodbath in the room Gunther had been in. They saw the video surveillance that showed him leaving the hotel and tracked him to Blur. They didn’t want to question him, though. Because they know there are vampires in D.C. Just like they know there are werewolves in D.C. Specifically, in Blur.
“They came to ask if Gunther was okay, Ev. And they wanted to know what Shepard planned to do about the attack on one of his men. Do you know what Shepard said?
“He said that he and his people are going to hunt down every last vampire and kill them all. And he told the police to pull all the permits and licenses on Juicy. Shepard told the police what to do, and they listened. Do you know why?
“Because he’s the damn pack alpha, Ev. And the police came into Blur already knowing that.”
I focused on driving for a second while I let that news settle in my mind.
“That’s it? Wow? What the fuck did we get ourselves into?” Vena said. “This is what happens when you strive for full-time employment. That shit just isn’t safe.”
I rolled my eyes at her and saw her excitement and humor fade.
She let out a shaky breath. “Was Anchor taken like Gunther because of me, Ev? If I hadn’t been so adamant about going to Juicy, maybe the vampires wouldn’t have retaliated.”
“No. No way. Whatever happened isn’t your fault. And Anchor isn’t Gunther. He’s observant and stronger. In fact, I bet he wasn’t even taken at all. He probably just needed to go for a run because he’s crushing hard for you.”
She nodded, but I knew she didn’t believe me any more than I believed myself.
When we arrived home, Doc went in first, checking to make sure it was safe. After his sweep, we were allowed inside. He closed the door behind us and locked it.
I showed him where the bathroom and towels were located then grabbed a blanket and pillow for him.
“Don’t go to any trouble for me,” Doc said. “This is luxury compared to some of the places I’ve stayed.”
I wanted to ask him more about that, but my head was already too full of stuff I didn’t want to know, and my energy was drained. I just wanted a hot shower and my bed.
As if knowing my thoughts, he said, “Take a shower, and go to bed. You’ll feel better in the morning.”
But would I? I had so many unanswered questions, topped with new information that made me question more.
Before I could head to the bathroom, Doc picked up a book from the coffee table. “Is there a reason you’re reading up on vampires?”
Vena swooped in to collect her stack of books and snatched the one out of Doc’s hand. “With all of their recent activity, a girl can’t be too careful.”
“We have your back,” Doc said. “You don’t need to worry. Gunther was taken because he wasn’t paying attention and was alone. You stick with us, and you’ll be fine.”
Vena didn’t let go of the books. Instead, she said goodnight and headed to her room.
Doc glanced after her, but I patted his arm. “Don’t worry about her. Get some sleep. If you want anything to eat or drink, help yourself to the kitchen.”
“I’ll be fine, Everly.”
I nodded and headed to my bedroom to get my pajamas. On my way to shower, I knocked on Vena’s door and peeked inside.
“Do you need the bathroom first?” I asked.
She shook her head, not taking her eyes off the open book that sat in her lap. “You go ahead.”