Page 105 of Fangs and Fudge

MC tried starting a conversation with Vena several times as the sun sank lower in the sky. Each time, she ignored him completely. I answered him a few times, but by the looks he gave me, he wasn’t interested in talking to me at all. So I joined Vena in her phone-staring contest.

Vena: You’re not idiots. You know this is a trap by now. It was a stall tactic. They’re waiting for sunset. Get Miles out of there, or I’m coming to get him.

MC’s phone buzzed, and I looked as he read the message.

Dickhead Alpha: Get them out of here.

“I strongly suggest you don’t try that,” I said.

“Try what?” Vena asked.

“Taking us home,” I said.

Her gaze shifted to MC, and I knew he saw the deadly dare there when he exhaled heavily.

“What are my choices?” he muttered. “Hope to get on your good side by staying here and watching you get hurt. Or acknowledge you already hate me, start this truck, and ensure the person I'd kill for won’t get hurt.”

I didn’t see Vena’s reaction to those words; I was too busy staring at MC with my mouth hanging open.

“That’s a bit over the top,” Vena said softly, proving the words had shocked her, too.

“You’re unlike any woman I’ve ever met, and I’d give anything to get to know you just a little better. I know now’s not the right time, but I want you to understand why I’m going to end up doing something you’re not going to like tonight.”

“It doesn’t make sense to leave when we know it’s a trap,” I said. “At least, if we stay here, you can be their backup if things go wrong.”

MC watched Vena, waiting for her to say something.

“If you start this truck and drive away, I’ll just bail, scrape myself up in the process, and draw every vampire in the area here instead of to the house where Miles is waiting. Your call,” she said.

MC leaned his head back against the seat and closed his eyes.

“I’m content being the backup,” he said.

Vena and I watched the sun slowly set. It was a pretty sunset, but we could hardly appreciate it as we kept our eyes glued to our phones.

As the last tinge of pink and orange in the sky faded away, the door of a house three driveways down flew open, and several people ran out. Their speed gave them away.

MC swore softly and sent a text warning Shepard that vampires were incoming.

“What if there are other houses?” Vena asked.

MC tapped the steering wheel then started the engine. He didn’t call attention to us but calmly drove down the road like a normal human would. Vena’s car sat empty several blocks from the house where we’d left Cross and Miles.

Vena’s hand gripped mine as MC continued forward. The house was completely dark with the front door open. Other homes on the block were lit up, and a dog was barking like crazy nearby.

MC parked in front.

“Stay here,” MC said, getting out.

As Vena had pointed out, she wasn’t one for listening. She opened her door and was out a beat later. Something dark darted out of the house. It ran straight for Vena.

I opened my mouth to scream. A second later, MC was in front of her. He grabbed the vampire by the throat, his savage claws digging deep.

Another vampire went after Vena while MC was distracted. MC shoved the dead vampire away and turned toward Vena, seeing the vampire closing in. I could barely focus on them. Their speed blurred in my vision. Vena was caught as they clashed.

MC protected her, keeping himself between her and the vampire until he raked his claws across its throat. He moved again, blocking her from the vampire’s spraying blood.

From the safety of the truck, I watched her lean her forehead against MC’s back. She had to be shaking like I was. Maybe not as badly, but still. That had been way too close.