Page 104 of Fangs and Fudge

I glanced at Vena, who rolled her eyes.

Before the pair could bicker more, the apartment door opened, and we saw Miles dart to his car. As old and rattley as Miles’ car was, we would have no problem tailing him.

Once Miles pulled out onto the road, we followed at a discreet distance.

“Is he heading out of the city?” Vena asked when Miles took 66 west.

I took her phone from her and opened the tracking app so Vena could keep her distance as we drove.

The sun was dipping lower in the sky when he finally exited near Wellington, and I hoped the vampire nest was close.

Miles turned into the suburbs, and Vena lagged back even more. It took another twenty minutes for Miles to park in front of a typical suburban home. Vena pulled over a few blocks down.

“Stay here,” Cross said, opening his door as Miles hurried inside the house.

“What are you going to do?” Shepard asked Cross before Vena could.

“I’ll check the house. We still have a few hours of daylight, so Miles is safe from my kind. I can handle any feeders in there. Wait for my text.”

Cross disappeared into the house as MC and Tank parked behind us. MC got out and jogged to our car, opening the door and taking Cross’ spot.

“It reeks in here,” MC said. “Where’d the bloodsucker go, and when can we kill him?”

I turned in my seat to give him a what-the-fuck stare.

My phone pinged with a message at the same time as Vena’s and Shepard’s did.

Cross: The house is empty. Miles sent a text to an unknown number that he was here with the ring. Someone replied that they would be here in an hour.

Vena was reading the same message I was.

“That’s just before sunset. Is Miles’ contact delaying or is it not a vampire?” she asked with a frown. “A feeder maybe?”

“You’re communicating with a bloodsucker? Are you out of your mind?” MC asked, reading over Shepard’s shoulder.

“I suggest you shut your mouth,” Vena said, glaring at MC. “That vampire is currently keeping my brother safe.”

Disbelief reflected in MC’s expression before he masked it and nodded at Vena. I saw her fist clench out of the corner of my eye. Obviously, she understood he was just placating her.

“We’ll look suspicious sitting here like this,” Shepard said. “Vena, if you trust me with your car, I’ll stay here with Tank. Go with MC, and move the truck a few blocks in the other direction. Stay alert, and report any movement.”

MC grinned, and Vena opened her mouth to argue, but I caught her arm.

“It’s a good plan,” I said.

She got out of the car without slamming the door and handed the keys to Shepard.

“Don’t make me regret this.”

“I won’t,” he promised.

“It’s okay, Vena,” MC said soothingly. “You don’t have to worry about anything. I won’t let any vamp hurt you.”

She gave him a flat stare. “I don’t need your help. I have a knife and a wicked kick.”

We jogged to MC’s truck and quickly exchanged places with Tank–I hurried to take the middle seat. MC drove the truck around, so we were watching a few blocks from the other direction. We had a decent view of the house, which was too quiet. I hoped that meant all was well.

Vena’s stomach growled, and I realized that we had missed dinner. With the nervous energy coursing through me, a skipped meal was probably a good thing.