“I’m not running,” I said. “And I do feel safe with someone sleeping on our sofa. But I agree with you that I’ve had a few too many run-ins lately and could use a little cuddle time. Vena doesn’t mind.”
Vena’s door closed loudly.
I leaned out of the bathroom to frown at it.
“If she’s not willing, I am,” Shepard said softly.
My pulse skipped as I tipped my head to look up at him.
“Uh, I think I can manage on my own until she’s in the mood,” I said. “But thanks for the offer.”
His eyes glinted as he nodded. “You know where to find me if you need me.”
I watched him retreat to the living room and hurried to my room before he turned off the lights.
When I picked up my phone to scold Vena, I saw a text from Cross.
Cross: Sleeping?
Me: Not yet. Why?
Cross: I’m concerned and want to make sure you’re all right after everything you witnessed this evening.
Me: I’m fine and well-guarded.
Cross: I noticed. Six wolves outside.
Me: Yeah, and Shepard inside.
Cross: Good. Then I know you’ll be safe.
I snorted then froze and glanced at the open doorway. Hearing nothing, I looked back down at my phone.
Cross: Stay with Shepard and his people, and stop going places alone with Vena. Let me look for her missing wolf. I’ll be in touch. Sleep well, Everly.
I smiled slightly at the message then set my phone aside and snuggled into my bed, feeling safe.
Morning light relentlessly battered my eyelids. I groaned and rolled over.
“What is it with men watching her sleep?” Vena asked.
I bolted upright, looked at the spot next to me then at my open door where Shepard leaned against the jamb. He sipped coffee while Vena peered around him to roll her eyes at me. In the meaningful glance she gave me then Shepard, I could read her mind.
You missed the perfect opportunity to tap that, Everly. When the boss wants to give you a bonus, you grab your ankles and take it like a big girl.
I frowned at her. “Go away. I’m hearing your lecture in my head.”
“Good. You deserve it.”
She left, and Shepard arched a brow at me. “Who else has been watching you sleep?”
“Cross has on a few occasions. I don’t know if sleeping fascinates him or…” I shook my head, and Shepard looked down at his cup.
“Or if you fascinate him?” Shepard asked. “I think we both know the answer to that.”
After Cross’ confession yesterday, I did, but I didn’t want to say that to Shepard. I’d been honest enough already before my cup of coffee.