“Was everything quiet last night?” I asked, getting out of bed.
“For the most part. A phone started ringing before seven. I checked both of yours. It was Vena’s parents asking if she had time to go over today.” He pushed off the door frame. “I’ll let you get dressed.”
I grabbed my phone on the way to the bathroom to see if Vena had texted me. Instead I saw a text from Cross.
Cross: I understand.
Confused, I scrolled back a bit, and my mouth dropped open.
Cross: Keep me appraise of your plans for the day once you’re awake.
Me: She claims you’re not like the others. If that’s true, leave her to me.
Cross: She’s a smart, independent woman, capable of making her own choices, even when we strongly disagree with them. Rather than try to restrain who she is, find ways to keep her safe.
Me: That’s what I’m trying to do. Your kind keeps trying to kill her. My kind protects her.
Cross: I am not my kind and am uninterested in hurting Everly or controlling her will. Also, one of your guards fell asleep last night. The one in the red truck. Be more diligent, or leave so I can protect her.
Me: Over my dead body.
Cross: I understand.
They had a pissing match using my phone? I shook my head and brushed my teeth.
After I finished, I found Vena in the kitchen. She shoved a bowl of dry cereal in front of Shepard. I snatched the bowl away and put it on the counter as I foraged the cupboards and refrigerator for something better. I wasn’t sure if he deserved a better breakfast than dry cereal, but I did.
“Are your parents back from their archaeology trip?” I asked as I grabbed bread, eggs, cream cheese, and jam.
She peered around me at the counter. “Are you making French Toast roll ups?”
“Yes. Now, focus. What did your parents say?”
“They’re back in town and want us to come over for dinner. We can pick up Miles on the way. I already let him know that his presence is going to be required and no fairies allowed.”
“Where do your parents live?” Shepard asked.
Vena frowned at him. “Far away and not near any vampire infestations. Instead of worrying about us, find Anchor.”
I placed my hand on her arm. She shook it off and left the kitchen.
“I only want to make sure the area is safe,” Shepard said.
“I know. And I appreciate it, but you’ve been crossing a few lines. One of them was having an argument with Cross on my phone.”
He muttered something then targeted me with his light grey eyes. “I was making a round through the house. When I stopped in your room to check your window because of the broken screen, a text came through. I wasn’t looking to be nosey. I just thought you might get backlash from last night’s incident. Then I saw it was from Cross and--” He glanced away and flexed his hand. “I need to talk to Doc. I’ll be back.”
I watched as he escaped through the front door and knew it was going to be another long day.
Focusing on what I loved, creating delicious foods, I cracked a couple of eggs and beat the hell out of them.
Vena returned to the kitchen a few minutes later. The contrite look on her face and the apologetic smile she gave me had me shaking my head at her.
“I get it. You’re worried about Anchor. Don’t forget that Shepard is, too. He’s worried about us all. Try to be more understanding about where he’s coming from when he goes in uber protector mode.”
She sighed. “Yes, Mom.”
Vena managed to play nice when Shepard reappeared and joined us for breakfast. She said she'd clean up, and Shepard offered to help. Leaving them to make peace, I went to my room to get ready for the day.