Page 53 of Corrupt Prince

Dante didn't answer right away, just stared at the road flying by as if it had personally offended him.

“I don’t know about you, but I’m going to take advantage of the opportunity. And,” I kept on eagerly, “two hands make faster work than one." I hoped I wouldn't have to physically fight him on this, because I was willing to throw down on this.

"Knight is already on his way to the house, making sure your ass doesn't get caught when we get there."

“You act like I’m the bad guy here.”

"You insisted on working with Coulter. That not only puts yourself in danger, but Coulter, too."

"I--" I bit down on my snarky response, realizing that he was right. We were quiet the rest of the way to Coulter's house and I readily climbed into the back seat as we approached their gate.

The guard was a bit growley with Dante but Dante seemed to have some kind of authority around here because the guard waved us through. When we pulled around to the side, I prepared myself to argue my case once more, having thought of several good reasons on the way.

"Don't even--" Dante held his hand out, cutting off my beginning arguments, "If it were up to me, you'd have been sent back to Mexico by now. But," he grit out when I tried to protest, "for some reason, Coulter trusts your crazy ass, so I'm going to, too. For now."

“Admit it. It’s a good idea,” I sassed.

“I’ll do no such thing.” He grabbed my arm, pulling me close to stare deep into my eyes. They were a dark brown, hardened and steely. In that moment, I knew I was staring into the eyes of a killer.

My throat was suddenly dry, filled with a stone lump.

"If you betray him, I don't care what Coulter wants, I will kill you."

"I believe you." I stared into his eyes as I said it. “But if you hurt me, I will punch you in your nuts so hard, your grandchildren will feel it."

We stared each other down, him with a vicious look on his face, me with a determined one. Then suddenly, he broke out into a grin. "I like you."

“Like I care…”

I petered off because he was already walking away. He lead me to the side door where Knight was waiting for us with a joint in between his lips. For the first time, I noticed that two of Knight’s fingers were missing, and I wondered if that had anything to do with the three bullet-sized scars on Coulter’s chest, or if it was common in the life of a Mafioso to have such severe injuries.

Dante grabbed the blunt, snuffing it out right outside the door. "You’re going to give yourself away, numnuts."

Knight shook his head, grinning. "Nah, Wyatt smokes them every day, and he's usually out here this time of night.”

"How'd you get him to leave his post?" Dante asked him.

"Let's just say, I gave him one of his favorite presents."


Knight nodded, the light overhead catching the gleam in his copper hair.

“Gross,” I said to him.

His eyes finally fell on me, roaming over me in appraisal. “Nice to see you with clothes on.” His teeth flashed in a grin. “Should we do something about that?”

Dante punched his shoulder. "Coulter will kill you and I won’t do a thing to stop him.”

"I don't need Coulter to defend me," I marched up to him but Dante grabbed my arm, pulling me away before I could do anything to permanently damage Knight’s future children. "Come on, little she-devil."

Knight had done his job and the pathway through the halls of the large mansion were clear. We spent two hours meticulously going through Nero's office, moving slowly but thoroughly, making certain it looked the same as it had before.

The office had a black, marble desk and a black leather, straight back chair with a matching sofa across from it. Similar to Coulter’s room, there were no personal photos. The guy was also a neat freak, every single thing had its place.

After going through it a zillion times, I slumped on the uncomfortable couch. “It's clearly not here. Where else could he be hiding it?"

They paused to think, and Dante's eyes moved to Knight. "You were the one assigned to watch over him. Where else would he have kept it?"