Page 52 of Corrupt Prince

I only waited a second to make sure it lit, then nearly burned my eyebrows off as it immediately caught.

I turned, sprinting back to the hole in the fence, grinning wickedly. It only took seconds to shove myself through the hole in the fence and the loud bang made me jump but I didn't look back to admire my handiwork. I had to get the hell out of here before I got caught.

I drove randomly for ten minutes, telling myself I wasn't getting myself lost, before pulling over. Punching in the security code on Coulter’s phone, I scrolled through Coulter's contacts, easily finding Dante's number.

Tapping my foot and biting my nails nervously, I waited for him to answer. The shitload of trouble we could be in had sunk in, and I kept shoving away the image of the girl with the dead eyes from my memory.

“Coulter," a rough voice answered.

"Um, actually, it's me."


I nodded, even though he couldn't see me. "I need your help.'

“Where's Coulter?"

“I think they’ve got him."

Dante let out a string of curses, then finally, “I’m already on my way. Where are you?"

"I have no idea, can I send you a ping or something?"

"A ping? This isn't the movies, Aster."

"Idiot," I sighed, pulling the phone away to look at it. I pulled up Coulter’s text messaging app, realizing that he didn't have any of them saved.

There went my plans to spy through his phone later.

I easily maneuvered through his phone, then put my phone back up to my ear. "There. You should be able to see me."

"Got it,' he said. "I'll be there in ten. Don't go anywhere!" he growled before hanging up on me.

"Duh." I said to a dead line before sighing. I disappointingly found nothing of interest on Coulter's phone in the seven minutes it took Dante to reach me, biting my nails the whole time.

Another tinted Range Rover SUV pulled up next to me, and I grabbed the gun strapped on my thigh. When I saw Dante jump out, the SUV speeding off, I put it away, relieved.

"We need to get you back to the house.” He jerked open the car door and began prodding me over the console.

“What about Coulter?”

“He’ll be okay. I’ve got someone helping him.” He pushed the gear into drive, then, tires squealing, sped down the highway. His dark eyebrows were furrowed but a small smile played on the corner of his lips. “I heard about what you did. You probably saved his life.”

“Oh well, that,” I waved him off, though I was secretly pleased. “It was entertaining.”

“Entertaining.” He chuckled darkly. “I don’t want to know what you would think is fun.”

“Dancing. Singing to music at the top of my lungs. Throwing myself down a giant slide and off a cliff.”

Pressing his lips into a thin line, he shook his head. “Just like your sister.”

“Must be in the genes.” We were flying down the road and I rolled down the window, sticking my head out to feel the rush of air on my face. After a moment, Dante grabbed my arm and pulled me back in the car. “Please don’t kill yourself before I can get you back to Coulter. Because he will kill me.”

“What? It’s a good distraction. I’m worried about Coulter.”

“When I say he’ll be fine, he will. Okay?”

“If you say so.” I nodded, not believing him. “What we need to do is find that notebook. They’ll be busy for a while putting out the fire. Then they’ll have to deal with the firemen and police. I wouldn’t be surprised if Nero’s hiding other stuff there. There’s no way he’ll take a chance and leave it up to someone else to take care of things."