I take this opportunity while the two of them are busy to make a run for it. I sneak past the window and into the living room. I search around for a phone and find nothing. I spot my car keys and snatch them off the counter. I run outside and jump in my Benz. I start up the engine and throw it into reverse. I can see Trig running out of the front door toward me. He pulls out his gun, and aims it at the car. I push the pedal down hard. Suddenly I feel a pop and the car’s weight shifts to one side.
“Son of a bitch,” I yell, as the vehicle skids to a stop.
I turn off the engine and put my head down on the steering wheel. I hear the car door open with force, and then an arm reaches in and pulls me out. I look down to see Trigs fingers wrapped around both of my arms.
“This is your plan. To run off in the same car from the gas station. Are you crazy?”
“You shot at me, you psycho.”
“I shot at your tire. I’m trying to keep you safe. Why can’t you see that?” he yells.
Bones runs over and looks at Trig and then to me. Trig points to my car.
“Run that shit into the lake now. Keys and all. We should have done that the moment we got here. ” Trig puts his hand out to me.
I roll my eyes, cross my arms and roughly hand him the keys.
“I’m protecting you, Nine.”
“I don’t need your protection,” I say, as I stride by him on my way back up to the cabin.
I march inside and basically stomp my way to the bedroom. Once inside I rush to the glass sliding door and watch Bones push, and then drive my beautiful car into the water. It’s shocking to see. The car floats for a little as the water fills it, and then it just disappears and that’s it. It’s gone.
“Goddamn it, Nine,” Trig comes in. “There are bad people out there masquerading as cops, and you’re ready to just drive your car all over town, straight into their arms.”
“I don’t need you. I don’t need anyone. I never have,” I yell.
“Are you so damaged that you can’t recognize when somebody is doing something nice for you.”
“You got what you wanted. What does it even matter anymore?”
“Is this about last night?” he asks.
I just stare at him as if he’s supposed to know already.
Trig looks at me. “Damn it. Why are you so difficult?”
Trig walks over to the door and calls for Bones.
“Yeah, what’s up?” Bones says, as he enters with beer in hand.
“We need a third party in here. You’re going to play therapist, because this chick needs it.”
My mouth drops open while I look at him in disgust.
“Sit down, Nine,” he barks out, while waving his gun around.
I plop down on the couch, boiling mad.
“Bones, would you please ask her what her problem is.”
Bones turns his head to the side and looks at me. He clears his throat and tries to sound older and more mature. “What seems to be the problem?”
I point to Trig. “This jackass right here.”
Bones looks at Trig.
“She says that she has an issue with your personality, Trig.”