Trig looks at me and then back to him.
“With me? I’m keeping her alive. Please ask her, what part of that is such an asshole move.”
I shoot up from the couch. We’re both standing there just mad-dogging each other.
“He shot at me,” I say to Bones.
“You tried to escape.”
“Yeah, I did. You’re holding me hostage.”
“I’m keeping you safe.”
“No. You’re driving me crazy,” I yell.
Bone’s eyes are jumping back and forth, as we yell at each other.
“I’m driving you crazy? You’re driving me crazy,” Trig shouts.
“I’m not the one that walks around staring into my soul and handing out free orgasms.”
I look at Bones. His mouth drops. I stare back at Trig.
“No. You just walk around with all your pain bottled up, but baby, that shit is seeping from your pores. You’re just mad that I can crack you open, but you like it. You want me and you know it. One second you’re running from me and the next your running to me. I see you, Nine. You’re just a lost little girl who can’t recognize something good when it’s dead in front of her. So, fuck me if I find that beautiful, right?”
I’m breathing hard. Bones is just standing there in silence.
“I’m just gonna go get some coffee, maybe let you two hash this out by yourselves,” Bones says, as he turns and leaves the room. I hear the door close behind him.
“Who the hell do you think you are standing there dissecting me?” I shout.
“Apparently, I’m the soul-staring and handing-out-free-orgasms guy. You’ve been dissecting me since the moment we stepped into that elevator together, so don’t play that card.”
I shake my head.
“Oh, you think I didn’t notice you sizing me up. Were you trying to add me as a client? Do I make enough money for you, sweetheart?” He pauses. “A hired hitman makes more than enough just so you know, but I guess I need to be a doctor or lawyer, or maybe even some type of CEO to get your full attention.”
“Fuck you, Trig,”
“You already did,” he says.
I’m fuming.
“Ooooh, I hate you. I hate you so much it makes me sick.”
“No you don’t. You like how I make you feel. I can see it in your eyes. Your body reacts to my touch like you’ve been waiting for it for a long time.”
“I didn’t know you were a conceited douche bag on top of being an asshole.”
Trig puts his gun away and smirks.
“Are you mad, because I’m right, or are you mad because you like that I’m right?”
He steps forward and stares me down. I can feel his warm breath on my face. I’m so mad I attempt to smack him. He grabs my wrist. I try to smack him with the other hand. He grabs that wrist too. He releases me from his grip and continues to stare.
“Tell me I’m lying.”
He places his hands on my hips, and pulls me into him. I gasp from the firm movement. I’m pissed off and turned on, and I don’t want to feel this way, but I do. I grab the collar of his shirt and pull his head down so his lips meet mine.