Page 90 of Charlotte

He shrugged. “I think I’ll just wait for a special occasion. Wouldn’t want to get bored with steak. If that’s possible.”

When Charli smiled again, Blake felt a warm sense of satisfaction. He knew that he’d caused her a lot of pain, and probably a boatload of tears, so to know that he could still bring a smile to her face, made him feel that perhaps all was not lost.

It was probably—definitely—a bad idea to harbor any sort of hope that he might get a second chance at a future with Charli. However, he couldn’t bring himself to extinguish that little flicker of hope in his heart.

A year ago, he never would have imagined where his life would lead him. Back then, he’d accepted his role as father, though his interactions with Amelia had been limited. He’d been confident that his future would always include a commitment to the army, moving wherever they told him to go.

Now, everything was different, and he couldn’t find it inside himself to regret the changes that had been forced upon him.

He loved being a father to Amelia, even if there were times that he felt inadequate to parent a little girl. And though he’d faced a huge career change, where he’d landed wasn’t so bad. In fact, he really enjoyed his work at the garage.

So maybe it was selfish to want more. But he did. He wanted those dreams he and Charli had talked about so much during their time together.

He wouldn’t get a chance at those dreams if he didn’t at least try to take a shot at seeing if she’d give him that second chance.

When the server set a gold-edged plate with a beautifully plated steak entrée on it in front of him, Blake realized with a bit of humor that his mom would probably be shocked that Blake was at the wedding of the son of one of the wealthiest men in the US.

She was all about appearances, and being in attendance at the wedding for Alexander Remington’s son would have given her something to brag about for years. And it would have given her and Blake’s dad the hope that they could sweet talk Alexander into furnishing his hotels with their company’s furniture.

Blake had lived most of his adult life without the excessive wealth he’d grown up with, and though he’d enjoyed the wedding, it brought back memories of being surrounded by people caught up in their wealthy status. That hadn’t been the case of those attending the wedding that day.

Honestly, if it weren’t for Hudson’s suits and expensive watch, Blake would never have suspected he was as wealthy as he was. Hudson was the type of man Blake’s father would have wanted for a son. A successful businessman, working for his father’s company.

That alone should have made Blake not like the guy, but he just couldn’t manage it. Hudson was down to earth and didn’t seem to feel that his wealth made him better than everyone else. Not even a veteran trying to provide for himself and his daughter the best way he knew how.

Though Blake wished that he could give Amelia a nice home with a yard right off the bat, he hadn’t given up hope that he might still be able to do that one day. But until then, he would do his best to provide her with a safe home where she would always know she was loved.

And maybe one day, if God willed it, he wouldn’t be doing those things for Amelia by himself.


The perfection of the meal at the wedding reception did not surprise Charli. She was sure that the hotel always strived to provide high caliber food and service for anyone using their facilities. However, there was no doubt they’d gone above and beyond at this event to provide a memorable experience for two such valued employees and their guests—one of whom happened to own the whole resort.

This would have been exactly the type of wedding she would have hoped to have. Back in the day. Now, she could see how unrealistic and unachievable it would have been, given her lack of wealth.

She would have had to go into debt to be able to afford it. And while she might have been willing to do that twelve years ago, she no longer was, thanks to having matured over the years.

Charli hadn’t thought much in years about what sort of wedding she’d like, considering her current situation in life. However, as she looked around, she knew that she’d want something a lot smaller and more intimate than Kayleigh’s.

She’d come to understand that while a wedding was an important moment in a couple’s journey, it was just a few hours… just a day. It was the marriage that followed that was most important. There was no way she’d go into debt for a wedding because it would add financial strain to a new marriage.

Even with that financial restriction in place, Charli was confident that she’d be able to find ways to make a wedding special while also keeping it within her budget. Of course, the man she was marrying would have a say in what they wanted for the wedding.

When Blake’s face came to mind as she considered who she might plan a wedding with some day, Charli looked over at him.

If she’d just met him for the first time, would she have fallen in love with the man he was now?

They were both different people from who they’d been twelve years ago, but the more time she spent with him, the less she could deny that she was still attracted to him.

Would the draw she felt toward him be enough for her to ever consider rekindling their relationship? Or would the memory of the hurt he’d caused keep her from taking that risk?

“How’s everyone doing?” Gareth said into the mic. “Are you having a good time?”

There were cheers and clapping from the guests.

“I’m glad to hear that. We’re going to have Kayleigh and Hudson cut the cake, and then, while we all enjoy some dessert, we’re going to have some fun. It’s especially designed for the single men and ladies in the crowd. So prepare yourselves.”

“Are they going to toss the bouquet?” Layla asked. “If they do, are you going to try for it, Mom?”