Page 89 of Charlotte

Jay chuckled. “True. Lots of threats and a few bribes.”

“I don’t remember threats,” Skylar said.

“That’s because by the time you came along, us older kids got the threats and you little ones got the bribes,” Charli told her.

“Yeah,” Jay agreed. “Mom would tell the older ones that we had to stay still, look at the camera and smile, or else. She would get pretty ticked off if she finally got the little ones to smile and one of us big kids wasn’t smiling or looking at the camera.”

Blake enjoyed listening to the siblings interact with each other. He’d certainly never had such lighthearted conversations with his sisters, and that thought made him a little sad.

He wondered if now that they were all older and had had years to find their own paths in life, if he and his sisters could have better relationships. Blake knew nothing about their current lives, but he hoped they were happy wherever they were and whatever they were doing.

Gareth’s voice came over the speakers, asking for people to find their seats. Gradually, the chatter of voices quieted. The pastor then joined Gareth at the mic and led them in prayer for the meal.

“What’s on the menu?” Will asked once the prayer was over. “Does anyone know?”

“If I know Hudson, it’s going to be steak,” Charli said.

“Not just any old steak, but probably the best steak available,” Jay added.

“We already know they serve superb steak here at the resort,” Blake said, more than happy to reflect on the evening he and Charli had eaten steaks together. “I don’t think I’ve ever tasted better.”

“Is that what you and Charli had on your…uh… dinner?” Jay asked.

Charli frowned as she glanced over to where the girls sat. Thankfully, they were busy chatting with Peyton and didn’t seem to be aware of the conversation among the adults.

“Yes. That’s what we had.”

“When are you going to have dinner again?” Aria asked as a server began to bring the first course to their table.

Blake glanced at Charli but stayed quiet as a server set an elegantly plated salad in front of him. He hoped that Amelia would eat the salad. But when he looked at what the server set in front of her, he realized the kids weren’t having a salad.

Each of them had been given a plate with an assortment of cut vegetables and a tiny bowl of dip. That would definitely work better for Amelia. She might not eat the cauliflower, but the carrots and broccoli would be gone.

Blake felt a brush along his arm and looked over. Charli had leaned toward him, but her gaze was on the kids and their food.

“Kayleigh said she’d have different food for the kids, so I’m glad to see that she came through.”

“Salad isn’t Amelia’s favorite food, but she likes veggies and dip.”

“Layla’s the same,” Charli said, sitting back in her seat. “Though sometimes she doesn’t care for raw vegetables, either. We’ll see which way it goes tonight.”

“So they’re not going to be served steak?”

“I don’t think so,” Charli said.

“For Amelia, that’s probably a good thing. But what a disappointment for me.

Charli gave him a quizzical look. “Why a disappointment?”

“Well, there’s no way she’d ever eat an entire steak. I was hoping to eat her leftovers.”

Charli laughed, and Blake smiled at the sound of her laughter.

“I don’t think Kayleigh even thought about that when she decided to order a different menu for the kids.”

“Ah well. I guess I’ll survive.”

“You know you can always order a steak from the restaurant,” Charli told him.