“Why are you acting like this? I don’t like it.”

Laughter bubbled out of me. “Well, I don’t like the little show you’ve been putting on for me. Pretending to care about me so I’ll pledge my loyalty to your Kingdom was a good move though.” I ripped my arm away from him. “I’ve got a trial to win, so let's get to it.”

“I didn’t fake anything,” he argued. “Whatever Nev told you is a lie.”

I spun quickly to face him, pure malice dripping in my voice. “He didn’t need to tell me. I saw it myself. My own memory has no reason to lie to me, Cassius. You think I’m a monster. You are disgusted by me and only pretended to care so you could get your throne.”

“Thea, that’s not true. Why are you remembering false memories? Did Nev manipulate you?”

“Nev was a moron,” I scoffed. “I saw and heard you talking to your father. I know that he put you up to using me and you reluctantly agreed. It’s just like I had always been told. The Crimson royal family is nothing more than a bunch of lying cowards.”

Jumping up on my horse, I rode off towards the Crimson Castle without waiting for them. I thought the horse would spook from me, but she acted as if my darkness didn’t bother her. The guards fell in behind me as I urged my horse to run faster. My hair whipped around in the wind as we broke through the thick forest tree line and into a meadow. I could hear another horse coming up on us and I knew it was Cassius, but I didn’t bother acknowledging him.

Cassius didn’t try talking to me or stopping me as we rode. I slowed down when we reached the outskirts of the Crimson castle yard. Cassius rode silently next to me. Tension kept rising between us with each silent moment that passed.

When we arrived at the castle a whole group of guards, contestants, and the royal family stood smiling until they saw me.

I jumped off my horse and headed towards the castle doors, not bothering to acknowledge any of them. The king stepped in front of me and waited for me to look at him.

“We are so glad you're back, Thea.”

“Why? Because you wouldn’t want me in the hands of another Kingdom? Would you be too scared that I would burn the realm down, starting with all the cowards that live in this castle?”

The king took a step backward and glanced at Cassius in confusion before he returned his gaze to me. The sadness in his eyes took me aback momentarily, and I wondered if I was overreacting. He was hurt by my words, but I couldn’t let them in and crumble my resolve of the truth I saw.

I reminded myself that they only saw me as a power pawn. The weakness I carried of wanting love, of wanting to be seen as someone worthy of love, would be my downfall. I didn’t need anyone.

The other contestants’ whispers about me reached my ears. Asking why I looked the way I did. Why was I not happy to be back here? I don’t think I would be happy anywhere.

“Thea.” Cassius snapped in a warning. I knew I was being blatantly rude to the king and in front of others, but what did it matter? They wouldn’t kill me; they needed me more than I needed them. So, I turned to him ready to fight.

“Yes, Prince Cassius?” I barked out his title with so much venom. “Did you have something to say or were you just going to keep lying to my face?”

Not a single murmur could be heard in the crowd. Cassius looked at me with disappointment.

“Please, stop,” he begged quietly. “You don’t know what you're talking about.”

“Thea, you’ve had a traumatic experience. Let’s get you inside to rest.” The king patted my shoulder gently.

“Here’s an idea. Why don’t all of you cut the bullshit?” I yelled towards the crowd. They all looked at me how I wanted them to. Like I was unhinged. Like I was the monster they had all been warned about.

Cassius grabbed my arm and shoved me past the king. He dragged me with little effort down the hallway towards my room. I gave him a smug smile when he looked at me. He shoved me into my room and shut the door. His eyes were as black as mine, shadows forming around him in an angry cloud.

“Why are you doing this?” he said softly. “We're the only ones that care for you!”

I scoffed, standing my ground.

“You’re allowed to be an asshole to me, but I can’t do the same?” I bellowed. He frowned at my words. “I remember things from time to time. I saw you and your father arguing about you tricking me into thinking you cared for me so I would be loyal to the Crimson Kingdom. Admit it. I’m just a pawn in this fucking game. You said I was a monster. That I was pathetic because I was so starved for attention that you barely had to put effort into tricking me.”

Recognition flicked across his face.

“You don’t have the whole story,” he said gently.

“Did you say those things or not?” I glared.

“Yes,” he whispered.

“Get out.”