Could I trust Haden to have my back now, when he had so clearly detested me earlier? I contemplated his true intentions but wore a look of indifference. How could I believe anything anyone said to me? Haden had been cruel and suddenly he cared.

“He can’t reach you here. You’re on Cerithia lands, so I’m going to try to get you back into the thick woods where Crimson borders, but I need to take care of Nev first.”

He wanted me to respond, but I didn’t care. All of these men making such a fuss over keeping me like I was a shiny toy to possess was disgusting.

“She’s got to use the restroom. I’m going to take her over there.” Haden called out to Nev. Nev turned to us, brow furrowing in deep thought.

“I’ll come, too. She looks like she’s gone complete fucking psycho monster bitch.”

A terrifying chuckle escaped me at the name. Haden picked me up and held me tightly against him. He carried me through the forest for a moment before setting me down. My eyes watched all the Wisps gathering at the edge of Cerithia and Crimson lands. They floated in vibrant colors, watching and approving of my monster form. Haden's eyes roamed over me oddly, like he couldn’t understand what he was seeing, but I was merely the villain, just like I had been told.

“Thea, I can’t help you if you don’t tell me what’s wrong,” Haden whispered. Nev had disappeared behind a thicket of trees in front of us.

I remained mute. His hands gently unwrapped the barbed cuffs from my ankles. I didn’t even feel the pain that it should have caused me. Very few thoughts went through my mind as I watched Haden be gentle with the barbs. Dozens of Wisps had now gathered in the woods around me. It was as if my darkness called out to them and they all shifted to black flames.

Nev hadn’t taken me far past where Crimson and Cerithia bordered each other. Cassius said he couldn’t cross into Cerithia, so my best guess was Nev had to stay close to the border so when Cerithia came, they could kill him or take him hostage.

Haden’s eyes shifted to behind me and I knew it was Cassius and the guards without turning around. Haden pointed to the thicket of trees where Nev had disappeared in order to warn Cassius. A moment later a bright flash of light blinded us. Nev must have anticipated them coming. I closed my eyes and stood still until the flash of light burned out, but the guards and horses who hadn’t predicted what would happen stumbled around, still blinded.

“What the fuck is on her?” Cassius barked at Haden. “Get the cuffs off of her arms.”

Haden worked quickly to free my hands from the magical barbs. Then his eyes shifted from me to Cassius.

“Come on, Little Viper. Let’s go.” Cassius held out his hand for me while still on top of his horse, but I remained where I was, glaring at him. The blackness of my eyes startled him, and the colorful swirls displayed on my skin didn’t help ease him.

“What’s wrong with her?” he questioned Haden.

“When I showed up, she was like this. She hasn’t said anything to me.”

Moving past them, I headed towards the thicket of trees Nev had entered. He was standing there like he knew I would come for him. I smiled and his smug face dissolved into sheer terror.

“And you said you weren’t a monster,” he spat in disgust.

Without thought, the tendrils of my fire mist moved from me and along the forest floor. Nev didn’t stand a chance. As soon as he realized what was happening, my magic had him locked in a vice. He tried to summon his light magic, but he wasn’t able to. My darkness robbed him, draining his magic completely from him. It seeped into my fire mist and settled in my chest with the others.

Slowly I stalked toward him. His eyes watched my every move. I circled him, my eyes watching the guards and Cassius when I did. They all stood there watching what was unfolding. Cassius’s brows furrowed in confusion as he watched me. He thought I was a monster, so he was getting a monster. I would be their villain.

“Please.” Nev struggled against my grip in vain.

“Please,” I said in a mocking tone. “Not so tough when I’m uncuffed, are you?” I purred.

“I can tell you everything, but you can’t kill me.”

When I laughed, it didn’t even sound like my own laugh. It was dark and sultry. It only took a few steps to reach him and make him squirm more.

“I already know everything I need to. I’m a monster and everyone wants to trap me.” I whispered quietly so he was the only one that heard me. “I guess this is the part where I embrace the prophets' telling and burn the realm down around me. Kill the Kings and whatnot.” I turned and looked at Cassius with so much hatred and betrayal bubbling up. “But I think I’ll start with you, friend,” I spoke loudly to Nev as I walked away. His screams echoed through the forest so loudly that the birds flew away as my fire burned away his body. The guards watched me in horror as I came towards them.

Killing Nev had been easy, and I didn’t even lift a finger to do it. The Wisps circled around us, a frenzy of excitement.

“What horse do I get?” I asked casually.

“You can ride with me,” Cassius said.

“I don’t think so,” I hissed at him. “As you can see, I don’t need saving or help.” One of the guards handed over the reins of a tall, pure white horse, save for a black marking that covered half of its face. The guards scurried to their horses. Cassius grabbed my arm and pulled me back to him, so we were eye to eye. His hand brushed the hair from my face gently.

“Thea, what’s going on?” He looked so genuine and caring. It made me sick that I fell for it over and over again.

“You don’t like the new look?” I scoffed in a fake offense.