A series of trials will be given to fifty participants that have all been randomly selected. These trials will give participants opportunities to demonstrate useful skills.

The top ten in performance will move on to the final task, which will be revealed once the finalists are announced.

Whoever is selected must present themselves at the Crimson Kingdom in two days' time from when you receive this letter. You must have this letter as proof you were invited.

Like previous years, the grand prize will be one wish granted by the King and his court. Nothing is off limits, except the Crimson Kingdom’s crown. The wish will not be granted until the final task is completed.

Do not take this lightly, as no one has completed the final task.

My heart pounded so loudly that I couldn’t hear anything around me. I forced myself to read the page again and again to make sure I was not imagining things. “Nothing is off limits but the crown.” which meant I could free everyone here for my wish. All I had to do was sneak into the king’s secret guard and complete the mission.

The twins and Sybil were sitting in the small space eating bread when I barged into the house. I couldn't contain myself as I held up the letter. They stared at me like I had finally snapped and lost my mind.

“I found this when I was out last night and forgot about it until just now. It’s an answer to save us all.” A whirlwind of possibilities swirled within me as I clutched onto that precious piece of paper – a lifeline amidst despair.

Sybil took the letter and read it while Kai and Kaz read over her shoulder. Their eyes flickered over the words multiple times like mine had. My heart dropped when they peered up frowning, clearly not sharing in my excitement. I grabbed the letter from them, worried they would burn it or something to prevent my participation.

“Thea, the chances of you winning are low,” Sybil muttered. “You might be injured.”

“We will all die if nothing happens. This is our only chance to escape this prison before we are all slaughtered.”

Kaz and Kai were silent for a long moment, and I thought they would agree with Sybil.

“Thea’s right.” Kaz sighed in defeat. “It's our only chance.”

I hugged him tightly against me. Finally, someone agreed with me on something. The small validation lifted the suffocating burden off my shoulders and eased the feeling of hopelessness. He gave me a hard hug back which was unlike him.

“But what if you get caught? Maybe they’ll know that you took this envelope.” Kai questioned.

“It says the home was randomly selected. I doubt they will question if it was mine or not. It’s not like they know every single fae living in the realm and where they are from. Besides, I can use my magic to escape if needed.”

“It’s a risk, but it is our only chance to leave Exile.” Sybil nodded.

“I’ll need to leave tonight to make it in time.” I suddenly was unsure of leaving Sybil on her own. As if they sensed my hesitation, Kai and Kaz spoke at the same time.

“We will take care of her.”

“I know.”

“You boys should just move in here,” she suggested.

“That would be for the best,” I agreed. “Besides, I loaded up on supplies this last trip, so you should be alright for a long time. Hopefully, this won't take long.”

They all nodded in agreement, but I saw the hesitation on their faces. Emotions bubbled up, but I needed to put on a brave face for all of us. This was the only way to save everyone. There was no other option. I took a slice of bread and ate it before gathering a small bag of my clothing and daggers. When I walked out of my room, I handed Kaz my bow and arrows. Maybe Kaz could use this here if anyone decided to attack them,

“You keep this safe for me until I come back.”