“I will,” he said, nodding. I hugged Kai before moving to Sybil. She had been like a mother to me even though we hadn’t viewed the world through the same lens. She hugged me like it would be our last one and a soft sob released from her throat. She was trying to be strong, but this was hard for all of us. This might be the last time I was ever with them.

“Take this.” She slid a long chain she always wore off her neck. On the end held a small amulet that swirled with bright colors of orange, red, and yellow. It was stunning.

“Sybil, it’s beautiful.” I admired it as I took it in my hands. I had never seen the amulet at the end of the necklace before. The pulse of power caught me off guard when I grabbed it. My eyes snapped up to hers. She couldn’t give me this. How did she even do this?


“My magic is of no use here. I paid a witch to transfer part of my Elite magic into the amulet before Exile in hopes that my family would keep it. I’m not sure how potent it will be, but I’m sure it will be helpful in healing.”

I glanced at the small sphere that held elite magic knowing she was right, but this was such a high honor to give. What if I didn’t come back and she lost her magic forever? Then everyone here would die too.

“I’ll give it back as soon as I free us all from Exile.” I hugged her again. Her eyes sparkled with pride as her smile stretched from ear to ear, but beneath that joy, there was an underlying worry etched into her features. “I should go.”

Turning, I walked for the door but paused one last time. I turned to them and captured their faces in my mind. My eyes drifted around the small house like I would miss it while I was gone. It had been the only home I had any memories of. The weight of saving everyone settled on my shoulders, but their confident looks made the pressure bearable.

“I’ll see you soon,” I promised. All three smiled like they believed that they would. Then I turned and headed for the Crimson Kingdom to win freedom for all those who held elite magic.

Chapter 6

The Crimson Kingdom had always been off-limits to me when I snuck out of Exile. I had never allowed myself to be too close to the castle for fear of being recognized. My past was a mystery to me, and maybe no one else knew who I was either. My name was the only thing I knew about myself. That made this whole trial ordeal even riskier for me.

Eyes glanced at me as I made my way up the red-stone roadways of the city nestled just below the castle. Fae watched me, but only for brief moments before turning away. I was wearing my green cloak over my head on the off chance I was recognized.

Anxiety filled my chest.

Not because of the tournament or possibly failing, but because I didn’t know if I was walking into a trap. Would I even make it there? Surely, they would make a spectacle of my death if they knew my secret. With every step that took me closer to the castle, I imagined traps waiting to catch me in my secrets.

I wasn’t sure what would be waiting for me once I got to the castle, but hopefully, I would at least make it to the tournament before being killed. My feet froze as uncertainty gripped me.

The Wisp swirled around me as if to encourage me. She had been waiting by the boundary as soon as I crossed like she knew I would be coming through. The Wisp had never given me bad guidance, so I continued. My footsteps were heavy with exhaustion from walking all night and most of the day to reach the castle.

The town that surrounded the castle was beautiful. Dark, crimson-colored flowers grew everywhere. The buildings all had stunning stained windows that complimented the dark exteriors. More than all of that, though, were the fae dancing and smiling in the street. Laughter floated through the wind and the smell of delicious food attacked my senses. Laughter echoed through the streets like mocking taunts, making guilt nearly cripple me. The twins and Sybil were living in complete squalor, while these fae were living completely different lives.

How can these fae be so happy under the rule of a monster like the Crimson King? To them, he was the hero, and I was their villain. My thoughts ran through a million scenarios that may occur once in the castle for the draft. I knew as long as I kept my elite magic mark hidden, I should be fine, but I was worried about my ability to control it during the trials. If anyone saw my darkness, they would know what I was.

My heart beat with equal parts worry and anticipation.

The castle caught my eye when I gazed up to watch the fae in the streets. It was black as night with giant red flags around it. It held a certain sense of power when you admired it. It, too, had oversized windows with colorful stained glass. I wanted to despise it, curse at it, but I still appreciated the beauty of it. All those nights in the forbidden wood didn’t do it justice. It was so beautiful, even more so up close where all the small details could be seen. The black of the stones contrasted so beautifully with the dark, crimson-colored flowers that vined their way up the sides. To the left of the main entrance was a vast garden with tall shrubs, thousands of flowers, and fountains of the same black stone.

As I got closer to the gate, it was apparent that I was late to the affair. A crowd of men just outside the castle doors in the courtyard was my focus as I approached. My survival instincts kicked in as I readied myself to go inside. Confidence would get me far. Losing wasn’t an option. The others would likely just wish to be rich or for land. I was playing for lives. When I walked closer, they turned to stare at me. My eyes were hidden by my hood, but I glanced around to size up my competition. All men from what I saw.

“Hey, little dove, you’re in the wrong place.” One of them shouted at me with an odd accent. I ignored him as I walked up to the king’s guardsmen. Instinctively I wanted to grab my weapon at the sight of them. There were at least a dozen of them adorned in their signature red suits. They all stared at me, not saying a word until they parted for a man in all black.

I had never seen a black Crimson guardsman uniform, but it held the same golden Crimson Kingdom crest over his heart. A perfect target for my arrows, I thought instinctually. His energy definitely gave the fact that he was in charge. His confidence made me want to shrink away from him, but I would not show weakness here.

“You’re late,” he spoke sharply.

“There is no time stamped on the invitation,” I argued. My eyes drift past his chest and up to a face I wasn’t expecting.

His dark hair was tousled, and short stubble lined his strong jaw. His mouth was pressed into a thin unamused line. It was his eyes that had me sucking in a deep breath, though. Instinctively, I took a step backward. They appeared green at first sight, but when he turned slightly into the sun, they were a deep rich gold. He was absolutely terrifying and beautiful. My eyes glanced over his tattooed hands, and I stood frozen.

This was not happening.

It couldn't be the man from my dreams. A chill ran down my spine, and I took another step away from him. His golden eyes narrowed on me and my deliberate movements.

His eyes filled with irritation, and I froze. I didn’t breathe, fearful he would know it was me from that small sound. Would he know I was an elite magic holder? I had never used magic in my dreams, so at least that was a secret. Would I be punished for it here when he recognized who I was? My mind raced with what I should do. He said he didn’t remember when he woke up from his dreams. That had to be the truth, or I was in trouble. I briefly wondered if this was just another dream.

“You’re the last to arrive,” he huffed as he took my invitation. His fingers brushed against mine, and I realized it was definitely not a dream. His eyes narrowed on me for a long moment before leaning down so only I would hear. Shit, did he know who I was? A heavy unsettling feeling settled deep in my stomach.