“Is he going to be a problem again?” His voice was deep and angry.

“Not unless he comes back from the dead.” My brow raised at the man in front of me. His body stiffened at my words.

“You killed him then?”

Would he leave if he knew I killed others? “Yes.” I nodded and leaned my head back against the wooden door behind me. Part of me expected him to move away from me or say something like Sybil always did, but he spoke one simple word to me.


That one word validated me more than years with Sybil or the twins ever did. I was used to others saying how I should feel bad or disgusted with hurting others, but this stranger seemed to not only understand but also support my actions.

The man moved to sit next to me, his back resting on the wall. All of his clothing was black, including the cloak he always wore. The clothing gave me no insight into who the hell he was. He lifted his knees up and rested his long arms over them. My eyes studied the dark tattoos to determine if there was anything about them that would give me any sort of clue about who he was. They didn’t, but my eyes traced the small designs, mesmerized by how big his hands were. He shifted slightly and I inhaled his scent of forest and rain.

“Do you stare at everyone, or should I be flattered?” he teased.

Rolling my eyes, I turned away from him, embarrassed that I had been caught admiring him.

“I can’t see anything about you, so don’t flatter yourself.”

He paused for a long moment as if trying to decide where to take this conversation.

“No trying to break in the door this time?”

“I just wanted to rest for a little bit in peace and quiet. I was tired after that guy broke in. The past few days have been… odd.”

“Did I ruin your peace and quiet?”

His eyes were on me, but I didn’t look. My hands tangled in my lap under his intense stare. His presence had never been worrisome for me and I wondered if it was because I knew this was a dream. He couldn’t hurt me here. Or maybe he wasn’t real at all but made up in my lonely mind.

“It’s kind of nice having company,” I whispered truthfully. “Although I didn’t think you’d be asleep right now, too.”

“I’m not,” he confessed as his head turned from me to rest back against the door. “You call into my mind whenever you fall asleep, and my mind follows you. Most of the time I am sleeping, but I was in a very important meeting this time.”

My head whipped towards him.

“Why didn’t you just not follow me? And what are you doing in the meeting? Taking a nap?”

“Trust me I would prefer to be here with you. You saved me from a dreadfully boring day. As far as what happens to me, I just kind of blackout.”

I couldn’t see it, but I knew he was smiling. I smiled at him, wishing he would show me his face. We both sat in silence. Normally I hate silence, but with him, it wasn’t so bad. Dread filled me when I remembered I would be going through the boundary tonight, but Sybil would need her medicine sooner rather than later.

“I should go.” I started to stand up, but his hand gripped my shoulder softly.

“Just sit with me for one more minute.”

His voice was just above a whispering plea, and I sat back down without question. One more minute sounded nice.

I turned to look at him and was surprised when his golden eyes were looking at me. Something about his gaze made me feel exposed. I shifted with uncertainty.

“Do you stare at everybody, or should I be flattered?” I mocked his words from earlier.

“You should most definitely be flattered.” His eyes crinkled like he was smiling. Something in his body tensed as he watched me, though. "Are you lonely?"

His question caught me off guard, but before I answered he kept talking. "Sometimes I think the only place I'm not completely alone is here, with you, in your dreams."

The way he barely whispered his loneliness like a confession had me speaking before I could filter my words.

"I only feel loneliness. Nothing makes it go away. Sometimes I wonder if my existence in the realm matters to anyone."