“It’s never worked here,” I said softly, shock beginning to set in.

“The rage must have set it off,” Kaz suggested.

Inspecting my hand, I flicked my fingers but only a small spark emitted. What was going on these past few days? Something was happening to me, and it didn’t appear like it was a good change. This wasn't the first time I had been consumed with rage, but my magic had never ignited. It didn’t make sense.

My foot crunched the broken vials as I stepped forward. “All of your medicine is gone.” Frowning, I shoved the broken glass with my foot.

Sybil shook her head and frowned as she began to pick up the pieces, but her eyes followed me closely. Her hands trembled as she picked up shards of glass. Kaz and Kai’s dark eyes found mine in a questioning look.

They were scared of me.

I frowned at their behavior. “I won’t hurt you.”

“We’ve never seen you like that before. You enjoyed killing him.” Kaz spoke accusatively at my actions.

“Would you have preferred if Sybil died? If you didn’t want me to kill the man, then you could’ve stepped in.” Grabbing the man’s hand, I dragged him out to the street to join today’s other dead fae. I just needed to get away from their watchful eyes because, honestly, I liked knowing that this man was dead.

Something inside of me was fucked up.

My eyes looked over the details of his face. His eyes had changed back to his normal brown color. I shook away the thoughts of why I didn’t mind killing others. What was I like in my past to make me feel nothing for taking a life?

The King was probably right to lock me away because killing had never made me feel bad.

When I returned to the doorway of our home, I paused at the sound of harsh whispering. Worry gripped my heart when I realized it was me they were whispering about.

“Thea is going to put us all in jeopardy if she can’t control her rage. Someone will notice her magic, and everything will fall apart,” one of the twins whispered.

“She’s unpredictable and that is a problem. Did you catch sight of how fast and strong she still is?” the other twin whispered. “She’s got to know there is something different about her by now. There is no way to explain her abilities. She will become more reckless and jeopardize the safety here.”

I froze with uncertainty. Should they be scared of me? The fighting and killing had always been second nature to me, almost like I had been trained to do so. I wouldn’t hurt them, but I agreed with them that I was jeopardizing their safety. Part of me was betrayed that they didn’t trust me at all, but could I blame them? My own guards were up, too. Nothing was ever genuine or real to me if it came from someone else. Other’s actions always had an ulterior motive, and I didn’t understand why I thought like that all of the time.

Sybil had told me time and time again that I would end up alone or dead if I didn’t learn to let others in. She told me my impulsivity and need for vengeance kept me stuck in my own lonely prison and would cause issues for me.

Everyone here should want revenge for what we had been through, but I seemed to be the only one who wanted it. Keeping my distance and questioning others' intentions had served me well enough to still be alive. And sometimes impulsive and vengeful actions were necessary. If I thought too much about why I did things in that moment, I would already be dead.

“Her behaviors are just like last time. It’s getting close, but we need to just act normal. We aren’t allowed to speak of it. So, let it run its course just like we do every time, and hopefully, this will be the time it works.” Sybil sighed in a defeated tone.

They spoke about me as if something was wrong with me. If they knew something about me, then why would they keep it a secret? Doubt crept into my mind. Sybil’s behavior had been so odd recently and her stories were changing. Were they really my friends?

I walked in, not bothering to look at any of them as I rushed to my room. The door couldn’t lock, but I wished it could because I couldn’t tell if I was surrounded by friends or enemies.

Tonight, I would cross the boundary and steal more medicine to replace what had been lost today. Then, I would move out so I could be on my own. There was enough stress here that I didn’t need to worry in my own home if I was safe.

Chapter 4

Isighed heavily as the dark wooden door appeared in front of me. Couldn’t I just have a dreamless sleep? This was the last thing I wanted to do right now. I sat down on the floor facing the door and crossed my legs. No noises or lights came from the door, and I thanked the stars above for that. Hopefully, this would be a peaceful escape.

“Sleeping again so soon?” His deep voice reverberated in the space.

“Wonderful. You’re here,” I muttered and turned so my back was against the wooden door and I could face him. His soft chuckle floated from the shadows, but his laughter cut off when he saw me.

“What happened to you?” He hissed while moving closer to inspect my wounds. For someone of his stature, he moved silently. He knelt directly in front of me as his tattooed hands came up to hold my jaw. He twisted my face gently to the side so he could inspect the bruises and cuts. My eyes closed as his fingers traced over my wounds before he skimmed them across the scar that started from my left eyebrow and ran over my eye to my cheek.

His movements stopped when he realized he was touching me way more than necessary. Why did he care what happened?

“Some asshole broke into my house.”

When he didn’t say anything, I opened my eyes to watch what he was doing. I couldn’t see his golden eyes anymore. His hood was back slightly, and pieces of his dark hair poked out by his forehead. This was the most I had ever seen of him.